最新综述 Lithium Ion Battery Anode Aging Mechanisms ( Materials 2013.6)?Lithium Ion Battery Anode Aging MechanismsTitle : Lithium Ion Battery Anode Aging MechanismsAuthor:??Victor Agubra and Jeffrey Fergus? ?? ?Materials Research and Education Center, Auburn UniversityAbstract: Degradation mechanisms such as lithium plating, growth of the passivatedsurface film layer on the electrodes and loss of both recyclable lithium ions and electrode material adversely affect the longevity of the lithium ion battery. The anode electrode is very vulnerable to these degradation mechanisms. In this paper, the most common aging mechanisms occurring at the anode during the operation of the lithium battery, as well as some approaches for minimizing the degradation are reviewed.搜索过,没有 重复 。26 at 08:45 ]查看更多0个回答 . 18人已关注