流化床对撞式气流粉碎机介绍? 原理及特点: 当压缩气体进入粉碎室,在粉碎室外围有4个粉碎喷嘴,喷射气流,使物料受到气流高速冲击,以及物料相互对接而粉碎,分级轮把细的颗粒分离出来,粗颗粒循环返回粉碎室继续粉碎,从分级轮出料口收集到的将是分部均匀的超微细粉。 1、适用于干式超微工艺。气流冲击速度可达2.5马赫以上,一般情况下很容易获得1-10微米(um)粒子,根据物料性质,还能得到小于1微米(um)粒子。 2、由于粉碎机内部有分级轮机构,制品中粗粒子不断循环粉碎,因而能获得粒子均匀、粒径分布范围小的制品。 3、该设备具有粉碎时间短、结构简单、操作检修方便、占地面积小、低噪音(72分贝)和无振动等优点。 4、粉碎时效率高,能进行连续粉碎,能保持粉碎制品纯度。 适用范围: 矿产:高岭土、云母、石墨、重晶石、石英、碳酸钙、锆英砂、滑石等。 化工:三硫化钼、 三氧化二锑 、钛白粉、氧化铝、染料、颜料、白炭黑等。 电子:钛酸钡、 三氧化二铬 等。 医药:硝酸鉍、可的松、青霉素、花粉、珍珠粉、尼莫地平等。 农药:多菌灵、 甲基托布津 、除草粉体、杀虫粉体等。 CHARACTERS AND TENETS: When the compressed air passes the feeding spray equipment and the smashed material gets into the smashing room,the smashing sqray nozzle on the periphery of the smashing room spray supersonic speed airflow so that it can make the material smashed with the airflow's high speed lashing,the material's collinding and friction each other.Then grading tube will separate the coarser pellets from others and the coarser pellets will circuclate back to the amashing room to be smashed again.Arter the inter sealed cycled smashing,we Can get the well-distrbuted supertiny powder at the material outlrt. 1、It's suitable for dry supertiny technology.Because the speed of the impact is high,(more than 2.5Mach),it's easy to get 1-10 micron pellet.According to the material's property,it also can get the pellit less than 1micron sometimes. 2、Because there is a sealed grade mechanism in the pulverizer and the coarse pellets in the products instantly can be smashed cycldly,the products are made up of well-distributed products whose peller radium distibution's scxpeis limited. 3、The equipment has many advantages such as short smashing time,simple structure,convenient operation and repairment,small volum,low noise(72 decibles)and no vibration. 4.It has a high efficienty when smashing.it can have a continuous smashing and it can keep the smashing Rproduct's pury. 查看更多1个回答 . 1人已关注