每日一则新闻081031? 每日一则新闻,提高阅读能力!坚持是关键! McCain Looks to Regain Momentum in US Presidential Race 奥巴马势不可挡?麦凯恩欲转乾坤 Republican presidential candidate John McCain campaigned in the Rocky Mountain state of Colorado Friday, hoping to turn his political fortunes around with only 10 days before Election Day. 共和党总统候选人约翰·麦凯恩星期五在落基山的科罗拉多州竞选,希望在大选举行前的十来天里能够扭转政治乾坤。 At a rally in Denver, John McCain warned that the middle class would suffer economically if Barack Obama is elected president next month along with a Congress with an expanded Democratic majority. 在丹佛举行的竞选集会上,参议员麦凯恩警告说,如果奥巴马下个月当选总统,而同时民主党扩大在国会中的多数席位,美国的中产阶级将会受到经济上的损失。 McCain also cited the prediction of Obama's vice presidential running mate, Senator Joe Biden, that Obama will be tested by an international crisis early in his term if he wins on November 4. 麦凯恩还援引奥巴马的副总统候选人,参议员拜登的预测说,如果奥巴马赢得11月4日的美国总统大选,他将在总统任期的初期就受到一场国际危机的考验。 "I will not be a president that needs to be tested," he said. "I have been tested, and Senator Obama hasn't!" 麦凯恩说:“我不会成为一个需要经过检验的总统。我一直在经受检验,而参议员奥巴马却没有!” Protestors briefly interrupted McCain's speech. McCain responded that voters want Americans to stop shouting at each other. 示威者短暂地打断麦凯恩的讲话。麦凯恩回答说,选民希望美国人不要大声攻击对方。 "You know, a lot of times the people come and yell, and they yell about the war in Iraq," he said. "I want to tell you, my friends, we will bring our troops home, but we will bring them home in honor and victory, we won't bring them home in defeat!" 麦凯恩说:“你知道,有很多次人们到这里来,大声喊叫。他们针对伊拉克战争大声叫嚷。我要告诉你们,我的朋友们,我们将会把我们的部队撤回来,但我们将让他们把荣誉和胜利带回家中,我们不会让他们把失败带回家中!” McCain is looking to regain momentum in Colorado and several other so-called swing or battleground states that will determine who wins the election. 麦凯恩正在科罗拉多州和其他几个所谓的摇摆不定或者竞争激烈的战场州恢复前进动力,这些州将决定哪位候选人入主白宫。 Several recent polls suggest Obama has big leads over McCain in several important states including Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan and Indiana. 最近的一些**调查显示奥巴马已经在若干大州领先于麦凯恩,包括宾夕法尼亚,俄亥俄,密西根和印第安纳州。 Obama was off the campaign trail Friday, visiting his ailing grandmother in Hawaii. His wife, Michelle Obama, filled in for her husband during a campaign rally in Ohio. 奥巴马星期五中断了竞选,去夏威夷探望他生病的祖母。他的妻子米歇尔·奥巴马在俄亥俄州的一个竞选集会代替丈夫发表讲话。 "I come here as a wife, who, first and foremost loves her husband, and I've watched him perform and grow, and I know, after being so close to him and seeing his abilities up close, I know in my heart, with absolutely no hesitation, that he will be an extraordinary president," she said. "That I know." 奥巴马夫人米歇尔说:“我以妻子的身份来到这里。我首先爱自己的丈夫,我亲眼目睹他的表现和成长,我知道,由于我如此接近他,能够在近距离看到他的能力,我从心底明白,并且毫不犹豫地认定,他将是一个非凡的总统。我对此一清二楚。” Obama leads McCain in the latest national polls by an average of seven points. But political experts have really taken notice of several recent state polls that seem to show Obama surging. 奥巴马在最新的全国民调中平均领先于麦凯恩7个百分点。政治专家们的确对最近几个州的民调显示奥巴马大受民众支持感到印象深刻。 "Right now, it is a near landslide for Barack Obama," said Allan Lichtman, a presidential scholar at American University in Washington. "A round of new polls have come out in battleground states showing Barack Obama with unstoppable leads in every state that John Kerry won in 2004, and very big leads in a lot of states that President Bush won in 2004." 李奇曼是美国首都华盛顿的美利坚大学的专门研究总统的学者。李奇曼说:“现在,对奥巴马来说,领先优势是压倒性的。从竞争激烈的几个州传来的最新一轮民调结果显示,奥巴马在克里2004年曾经赢得的几个州里的领先地位势不可挡。在美国总统布什2004年赢得的几个州里也大幅度领先。” But many analysts also caution that McCain could close the gap in the final days of the campaign, especially if something unexpected occurs either at home or abroad. 但许多分析家警告说,麦凯恩可能在最后几天的竞选活动中缩小差距,尤其在国内或者国外发生某种异常事件的情况下。 "I continue to believe that some sort of unexpected global crisis in the last 10 days would certainly help McCain," said Tom DeFrank of the New York Daily News and a guest on VOA's Issues in the News program. "I don't think Russia is going to invade Poland or Georgia or the Czech Republic, but something like that, were it to happen, would remind voters, I think, that McCain has the overwhelming edge in experience in national security and foreign policy matters." 纽约“每日新闻”的德弗兰克作为嘉宾参加**新闻节目的时候评论说:“我仍然认为,在最后十天发生某种意想不到的全球性危机将有助于麦凯恩。我并不认为俄罗斯会入侵波兰或格鲁吉亚或捷克共和国等,但类似的事件如果发生,我认为将会让选民想到,麦凯恩在**和外交政策的经验方面具有压倒性的优势。” Both candidates will target a small group of undecided or so-called battleground states in the final days in hopes of securing the number of state-by-state electoral votes needed to win the presidency. 两位候选人在竞选的最后日子里,都将会把重点放在竞争激烈的州内一小批尚未拿定主意的选民身上,希望能够逐州争取当选总统所需要的选举人票。 A candidate needs 270 electoral votes out of a total of 538 for victory. 在总统竞选中获胜需要538张选举人票中的270票。查看更多1个回答 . 4人已关注