转载eng-tip上的一个问题? I read from a pump manual that we should be avoid any fittings, including bends, compensators, valves in the area of 5 X DN suction and 5 X DN discharge. I guess if before suction, the fitting will make the flow less smooth and can make cavitation. But what is the purpose of this 5 x DN? 意思是距离吸口与排口 5 X DN 的区域内都不要安装管件, 上面是我在在 http://www.irrigationcraft.com/flow_run.htm 找到的图片。 不知道有没有相关人士知道其中原因? 此贴我也在 输送设备 交流区贴出,如版主觉得有灌水嫌疑,可删。查看更多4个回答 . 3人已关注