为什么开水容易滋生细菌?I can come up with only 2 factors: 1, Temperature: In the cooling down process of the boiled water, temperature decreases to a certain threshold that is favorable for the growth of microbial. 2, Ions: some ions in water aggregated together when the water is boiling, less ions may lead to less hazard environment for bacteria查看更多
各位大神,在SiO2/Si衬底上长的MoS2薄膜,想做TEM分析,请问买哪种铜网比较好?多层转移到铜网上可以,http://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/2053-1583/aaf3e9这篇文献有讲到,不过多层是通过两步法制备的。 单层的话在铜网上好像容易团聚,https://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1405/1405.0129.pdf 这篇文献用的Si3N4 TEM Grid查看更多