吸收光谱与发射光谱的关系?编辑部回信的意见如下,请教大虾这是什么意思呢?For the free compound, absorption bands are present at 325 and 425 nm. It is stated that fluorescence band appears at 390 when excited to 355. How can be the fluorescence band (at 390) shifted to the blue regarding an absorption band located to 425?. I think that an excitation spectra ad different emission wavelengths could shed light in this apparent inconsistency.查看更多3个回答 . 5人已关注
新人求助不胜感激,帮忙找文献创新点?文献题目 Fingerprint analysis of Radix Aconiti using ultra-performance liquidchromatography–electrospray ionization/ tandem mass spectrometry(UPLC–ESI/MSn) combined with stoichiometry摘要在下面图片里,谢谢谢谢,谢谢!!!!!!!!!!!查看更多3个回答 . 17人已关注