工业上做Swern氧化是怎么做的?谢谢!? 没有做过 正好有一个关于可放大性评价 低温釜很成熟了 但要考虑下材质 草酰氯是否腐蚀不锈钢 小试可以加一些小钢片 看看腐蚀情况 对反应有无影响 the swern oxidation presents its own unique challenges. first and foremost, the by-product of the swern oxidation is volatile and malodorous dimethylsulfide. it will be very challenging to efficiently recover both dimethylsulfide and dichloromethane during the subsequent concentration at reduced pressure. the odor threshold for dimethylsulfide is less than 1 ppm and dimethylsulfide vapor is heavier than air and may travel a considerable distance. assuming we could engineer a satisfactory solution to the odor problem, the low reaction temperature (_50 to _60_c), the expense of oxalyl chloride (2.2 equivalents), and the low throughput (14 g/l) of this oxidation are additional concerns.查看更多