翻译完了,帮忙看看有什么需要改进地方。? 有些细节有点儿问题 另请楼主注意细节:联锁不是连锁 detail engineering contractor 详细设计承包商 a. any switch that commands the mov to close will also stop the pump. 关闭mov阀的开关同时停泵 provide an open position and closed position switch on the valve, with position indication in the dcs, but no interlock between the position switches and the pump. 在阀上设置开位和关位限位开关并在dcs内指示阀位,但是在阀位和泵间不设置联锁 2. simple but more prone to spurious trips: 简单但是可能导致假信号跳车 a. provide an open position and closed position switch on the mov, with position indication in the dcs. 在阀上设置开位和关位限位开关并在dcs内指示阀位 b. if the open position switch signal indicates that the valve is "not open", then automatically trip the pump 如果开位开关指示阀“未开”则泵自动跳车 3. slightly more complex, not prone to spurious trips: 稍复杂但不会假信号跳车: a. any switch that commands the mov to close will also stop the pump. 关闭mov阀的开关同时停泵 b. provide an open position and closed position switch on the mov, with position indication in the dcs. 在阀上设置开位和关位限位开关并在dcs内指示阀位 c. the switch open position switch must indicate that valve is open as a permissive to start the pump. 阀位指示为“开”才允许启动泵 sinochem to send deviation request for same. 要求sinochem发送同样的偏差。 [ ]查看更多