请问这句话是什么意思? every effort should be made to reduce product deterioration during transport. there is an advisory role here for the sales department where this lies outside the control of the producer. 应当尽最大努力来减小产品在运输过程中的受损程度。那么在这一点上,销售部门就有必要在生产者能力范围以外充当一个咨询顾问的角色 (即指销售人员应当协助将产品在运输过程中的损耗降到最低,这种事或许正是销售部门的强项,而并非是生产部门能力范围内的事情?)。 查看更多
紧急求助--dry-break coupling hose? 无泄漏接头软管(意译 ) dry-break = dry disconnection = drip free = no spill 'a dry disconnect coupling (also called dry break coupling) is a hose connection device which provides an automatic mechanism to seal off both the hose and the fixed pipe end when the hose is disconnected. dry disconnect couplings are used in any fluid transfer application where loss of fluid upon disconnection cannot be tolerated because of environmental regulations, worker safety considerations, the high value of the fluid, or where cleanliness is a concern.'查看更多