韩国语学习(通俗易懂),没有笨学生,只有懒学生。? 有人可能英语比较好,对汉语的理解不如英语来的快,那就换一换口味,在学习英语的同时,我们也能学习韩语。 这个是在网络上搜索的,如果涉及版权问题,希望不要找我。我们只是教学,没有出版的意思 korean alphabet (hangeul) most english speakers think korean has thousands of characters, likechinese, but it actually has a very simple and logical alphabet, which you canlearn in a few minutes. the alphabet was invented in 1443 during thereign of the great king sejong. there are 14 basic consonants and 10 basicvowels. letters that have similar sounds also have similar shapes, so it iseasy to learn. korean alphabet you can hear how the letters are pronounced on other web sites, such as indiana.edu/~koreanrs/hangul.html . the letters are grouped into syllable blocks containing an initial consonant(which may be silent or double), one or two vowels (below or to the right), andsometimes a final consonant (below). now, see if you can "decode" these words: try to write your name in korean. then look up your name here: english names in korean you can find a lot more korean on the web. even if you are like me and don'tknow any korean words, you can have still have fun "decoding" some words in akorean text, such as words borrowed from english, the names of famous people,place names, and product brand names.查看更多
aspen模拟报错? 模拟氨水吸收二氧化硫时的错误 the pair parameters for elecnrtl option set has been retrieved from databank enrtl-rk. information pure component parameters for some components are retrieved from databank elecpure. these parameters are used with elecnrtl method. unless you enter your own parameters in prop-data paragraphs. parameter vlbroc retrieved for component co2 parameter thrswt(element/3) retrieved for component h2o parameter vlbroc retrieved for component nh3 parameter plxant retrieved for component h2o structure for component o2s has not been defined. pces cannot use group-contribution methods to estimate missing properties use the structures paragraph to define structures of this component. structure for component co2 has not been defined. pces cannot use group-contribution methods to estimate missing properties use the structures paragraph to define structures of this component. structure for component n2 has not been defined. pces cannot use group-contribution methods to estimate missing properties use the structures paragraph to define structures of this component. structure for component h2o has not been defined. pces cannot use group-contribution methods to estimate missing properties use the structures paragraph to define structures of this component. structure for component o2 has not been defined. pces cannot use group-contribution methods to estimate missing properties use the structures paragraph to define structures of this component. structure for component nh4oh has not been defined. pces cannot use group-contribution methods to estimate missing properties use the structures paragraph to define structures of this component. structure for component ammon-01 has not been defined. pces cannot use group-contribution methods to estimate missing properties use the structures paragraph to define structures of this component. structure for component ammon-02 has not been defined. pces cannot use group-contribution methods to estimate missing properties use the structures paragraph to define structures of this component. structure for component nh3 has not been defined. pces cannot use group-contribution methods to estimate missing properties use the structures paragraph to define structures of this component. structure for component air has not been defined. pces cannot use group-contribution methods to estimate missing properties use the structures paragraph to define structures of this component. * warning in physical property system unsymmetric electrolyte nrtl model gmenrtlq has missing parameters: dielectric constant (cpdiec) missing for nh4oh & other components. cpdiec of water will be assumed. flowsheet analysis : block $olver01 (method: wegstein) has been defined to converge streams: hout1 computation order for the flowsheet: compr1 $olver01 absorber heatx (return $olver01)查看更多