离心式压缩机止推轴承? 机型的结构不一样,止推轴承装的位置不一样。mcl系列装在低压端。叶轮背靠背的装在低压端。查看更多
关于氧泵电机电流和转速波动问题? 确认是模拟给定还是数字给定,如模拟给定请检查给定信号回路;其次如变频设置是线性控制的话遇到负载过大也 ... 是模拟量给定,转速反馈和电流反馈都有趋势,但是转速给定没做趋势,由于时间太短现在不好判断。谢谢。查看更多
求助帖得到有效回答的 将奖励回帖人10-20财富? 得了,那个牛鼻子老道,不招惹也罢,在下自认搞不定他,估计盖德也没人能搞定他。 查看更多
加氢反应规律? 反应速率排序:脱金属 二烯烃饱和 脱硫 脱氧 单烯烃饱和 脱氮 芳烃饱和查看更多
循环水势能利用? 我们共有三套尿素,第一套尿素因没有甩接头故未改造,在第二套尿素循环水凉水塔前加了一水轮机直接拖动一台90kw风机,运行比较正常,主要是开车时调试花了半个月时间。第三套尿素循环水分高低压,在高压循环水回水处 ... 请问wangziyouqin朋友:你们的水轮机是安装在循环水凉水塔附近或塔上、还是出尿素装置啊?能否再稍为详细一点?通过你的介绍,这确实是一个比较好的节能改造项目。查看更多
气体检测报警仪问题咨询? 国外的:det-tronics、general monitors(gm)、dräger(德尔格)、simtronics、msa 国内的:深圳特安、上海翼捷、无锡梅思安(msa,似乎有一部分产品是自主设计的)查看更多
污水C,N,P? 回复 1# 守侯 不是c、n、p比值,是bod5:n =100:5:1,它与活性污泥的组分有关,活性污泥的分子式可以表示为c60h87o23n12p,并且污泥龄越长,对氮和磷的要求越低。 回流比的理解正确的, 。查看更多
单作用球阀问题? 另外有个判断方法,就是单作用的执行机构气缸直径较大,比较笨重。 双作用的执行机构气缸直径要小得多,比较轻巧。 查看更多
我把最近写的论文,讨论部分拿出来,让大家拍砖,拍的越 ...? 5.1 effect of wet .vs. dry feed fig. 6 shows the temperature distribution of the gasifier using dry coal as feedstock. the maximum temperature in this case is 23 3 0k, but is significantly lowered by about 150k with the wet slurry as feedstock. this decrement can be explained as follows. in the gasifier, coal reacts with oxygen and steam evaporated from the coal slurry and is partially oxidized at high temperature, after which it is converted into multi-component syngas. during this process, much more heat is used to evaporate the steam from the wet slurry and the gasification proceeds at a lower temperature than that with the dry coal as feedstock. table 1 is a summary of the predicted performance for the two- stage gasifier using wet and dry feed stock obtained from simulated results of the aspen plus program . in these two cases , the wet slurry corresponds to the baseline simulation (coal-water slurry containing 70% solids) while the pulverized dry coal employs nitrogen to transport the coal. in both cases , the fuel stream is assumed to be at the same temperature (t = 400k) and the coal specification i s datong coal. from table 1, it can be concluded that: (1) the syngas generated from the dry feed stock has a much higher mole fraction of the combustible component in the syngas, co+h2 is greater than 90%, but lower fraction of h2o and co2, than the wet feedstock . it leads to the heating value of the syngas generated from the dry feed is much greater than that generated from the wet feed stock . it should be emphasized that the fraction of h2o in wet feedstock is 18% higher than in dry feedstock. therefore, the sensible heat recovery process is necessary to be designed reasonably to prevent the latent heat of condensation from losing . furthermore, another problem, such as acid gas erosion in the surface of the pipe or equipment during the processes of start-up and shut-down, should be concerned. now, t he use of a fire-tube boiler for synthesis gas cooling was pioneered during the early development of the e-gas process, and now this proven design provides an additional cost and operations advantage to the e-gas technology. (2) the results of simulation for the two cases are quite similar in cc. the wet feedstock shows a slight reduction compared with the dry feedstock. it can be explained that, there is no high purity n2 ( 99%) in the e-gas gasifier system, it is very difficult to configure recycle process of fly ash same as shell gasifier (dry type) . simultaneously, 22% slurry is injected into the second stage of gasifier, which cooling the raw gas temperature generated in the first stage, therefore, t he cc in wet feedstock is about 2% lower than in dry feedstocks. it is easier to be known that the higher cge is convenient to improve the overall efficiency of igcc power plant, and provide the measures to decrease the size of the sensible heat recovery machine as well as the investment cost. however, the cge in slurry feedstock is 4% lower than in dry feedstock, it is one of the main reason that makes the overall efficiency of igcc plant in e-gas gasifier slightly decreased compared with in shell gasifier (dry type). (3) the experimental results of the gasification temperature, as represented by aspen plus, are the outlet temperature of the synthesis gas, while the simulation results are the maximum temperature in the two-stage gasifier. therefore, the difference between them increases significantly. (4) although the heating value of syngas increased for the dry feed stock , the lower syngas mass flow rate results in a slight reduction in cge. in light of the substantial change in syngas composition between the different feeds tocks , future study should examine the impact of using a dry feed stock on various downstream processes, such as water gas shift, gas clean up and gas turbines. 5.2 effect of system pressure a ltering the system pressure for a fixed geometrical configuration is a useful parametric study to investigate model behavior. however, it is of limited value for practical operation. in the plant design process, the system pressure for the gasifier is determined by the amalgamation of considerations for the various equipment and processes to be used in the igcc plant. once the operating pressure for the gasifier is determined, the gasifier is sized to provide the desired fuel conversion for the anticipated residence time and conditions within the gasifier. thus, in a real operation al gasifier , the steady state pressure should not be significantly altered from the original design condition. however, on the computer such tests can easily be performed by simulation . table 2 presents a summary of the predicted performance for the two- stage gasifier as a function of the system pressure within the gasifier. there is considerable advantage to gasifying under pressure, sufficiently so that practically all modern processes are operated at pressures of at least 10atm and up to as high as 80atm. the reasons for this are saving in compression energy and reduction of equipment size. the pressure in e-gas gasifier is therefore generally selected in accordance with the requirements of the process or equipment upstream or downstream of the gasifier. it is instructive to see how the gas composition is affected by the pressure. the selected pressures are 2 8, 5 0 and 70 atm , which corresponds to the baseline conditions, the approximate system pressure used by current generation coal gasifiers in igcc studies , and the approximate pressure reported for coal gasifiers used at coal-to-chemicals p lants, respectively. as can be seen f rom the table 2 , some conclusion can be reached: (1) t he increase of cge and that cc with increasing gasification pressure can be seen clearly. it can be explained that the slower gas velocities increase the particle residence time, which in turn increases cc. at 70 atm, the model predicts nearly complete fuel conversion. when the gasification pressure increases, the conversion from carbon to co or co2 proceeds keeping the cc and cge improves drastically. (2) in this study the pressure was increased by almost the tolerance limit of 20 atm , but the syngas composition only varied by a few percentage points. the yield of synthesis gas, mainly is co and h2, dropped with increasing pressure, while that of co2, h2o and ch4 increased. these trends can also be explained by the thermodynamic characteristics of gasification. in the principle chemical reactions: (i) generating co in reactions c+0.5o2→co, c+co2→2co and c+h2o→co+h2, and generating h2 in reaction co+h2o→co2+h2, are the volume increasing reactions, while (ii) generating ch4 in reactions c+2h2→ch4, co+3h2→h2o+ch4, and generating co2 in reactions c+o2→co2 and co+0.5o2→co2, are the volume decreasing reactions. the gasification process will shift to the reversed reaction with increasing pressure, which leads to the tendency of syngas variation that is shown in table 2. (3) it is instructive to see how the gasification temperature and gas composition change with pressure, as listed in table 2. the changes of gasification temperature and gas composition varied only to a very limited extent, less than 1%, with changing pressure. therefore, the effect of gasification pressure on the syngas composition can be neglected. even though the gasification pressure has little effect on the gasification results, it determines the gasifier dimensions. from the perspective of the entire system, the gasification pressure is determined by the downstream of the technological requirements, i.e., it reflects the dimension of gasification so that a larger scale needed with a higher pressure. 很多语法都用的不理想,不如前面的句子,下句想变换一种表达方式,但是不会。 [ ]查看更多
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工人离岗次数太多,该怎么办? 我在做车间主任的时候是经常遇到这种情况 后来我发现 工人对我这个车间主任是敬 对他们的班组长是怕 于是我就充分的授权 把各班组的员工考核奖金考核权下放给班组长 由他们对自己班组的员工进行考核 然后我来考核他们(考核奖金1元/分,每月100分为满分) 对一个月都没有发生离岗的给予奖励(考核奖金中予以兑现) 对一个月三次离岗的书面警告(贴在车间看板上),并扣考核分5分/次 对一个月六次离岗的留车间察看处分(贴工厂宣传栏内),并扣考核分(前三次5分/次,后三次10分/次) 对一个月超过六次离岗的直接开除。查看更多
如何解决我国压力变送器的困难? 要解决,首先要有自主产权,像这些东西比如传感器及处理芯片,不光要国产化,并且还要稳定性上要提高,这才是最基本的,像大部门国产变送器,虽说是国产,但重要部件还是进口,也不便宜,还不如直接买进口的,毕竟生产上安全性不是闹着玩的。 查看更多
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想考个化工方面的证书,请问考什么好呢? 考注册化工工程师. 你可以先参加注册化工工程师的基础考试,大约明年5月底报名,9月下可以参加考试了啊! 等基础考试过了在考专业考试啊! 有关于基础考试,在这个论坛里有很多这方面的资料啊!查看更多
紧急:新氢压缩机的一返一线、二返二线以及三返一线? 2# zzl198307 我说的这台压缩机是往复式的三级压缩机,所以有一个三返一得线。再次请问你一下:你 ... 只要是等负荷切换,三返一是不存在什么问题的,但是切换时一定要缓慢,防止波动过大。还有说高压窜低压,是不是出口单向阀反串的原因查看更多
职业:上虞京新药业有限公司 - 销售
学校:河南理工大学 - 电气工程与自动化学院
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