换热量-the quantity of heat exchange?? 原文:气体 换热器 换热量 译文: the quantity of heat exchange. 背景文章:测量温度高于设定值时,增加 控制阀 开度,增加通过换热器 旁路的甲醇蒸汽流量,减小进入换热器 的甲醇蒸汽流量,减小换热器 A/B 换热量,使温度下降,回到设定值。 When the measured temperature is higher than the set point, increase the control valve opeing and increase the gaseous methanol flowrate of heat-echanger bypass(BY-PASS在句子中的用法正确吗在这里), to decrease the methanol vapor flowrate enters the Heat-Exchangerand the the quantity of heat exchange , in order to lower the temperature until to the set point. 画的花花绿绿的地方喽,不确定啊不确定!! [ ]查看更多4个回答 . 1人已关注