管道应力分析师面试题,求大侠解答? 管道应力分析师面试题,求大侠解答,大家一起学习! The following listwill provide few interview questions asked in different interview for a PipingStress Engineer post. Hope you will be able to find the answers from ASME B31.3 and any piping stress text books or from piping hand book. In case youcould not find out a specific answer reply in comments section. This is thepart one of the collection. Keep checking thewebsite regularly for other parts. 1) How to makecritical line list or flexibility log? How will you decide critical line listwith help of ASME B31.3? 2) How to decideStress critical systems for analysis using Caesar II? 3) Which lines can beeliminated from formal Stress analysis? 4) Can you make atypical Sketch & supporting for column piping? How to decide how many loadbearing clip supports to be used? 5) Draw a typicalSketch & supporting arrangement for tank farm piping? How tank Pipinganalysis is different from normal pressure vessel connected piping systemanalysis? 6) What is SIF?Formulas for In plane, outplane sif for elbow (B31.3)? 7) Value of sif,flexibility factor for Bend? 8) What are thenecessary documents required for stress analysis? 9) Why a Spring hangeris used? Can you write the formula for spring HL, CL & variability? 10) What are thedifferent types of supports used in piping systems? 11) What do you knowabout Expansion joints and thier types? When these come into picture? 12) What are thenormal types of load cases? Write the load cases for a typical stress systemusing static method of seimic and wind? 13) What is slug flow?What parameters are required to calculate Slug force? 14) What are thedynamic restraints? What is snubber and when do you use a snubber? 15) What is theminimum swing allowed in top mounted hanger? What will you do if that amountexceeds in a typical piping system? 16) What is cold pulland why it is used? 17) What is differencebetween Variable Hanger and Constant Hanger? What is the variability ofConstant Spring hanger? 18) What are theinputs required for stress analysis? What do you check in Caesar analysis of apiping system? 19) What do you meanby the term “liberal stress”? 20) What is hot-coldphilosophy for pump? Have you heard the term Pump alignment? 查看更多1个回答 . 1人已关注
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