求助-HRTI 5.0运算后出现错误 more than 10 units paral ...? 新手求助大神。5.0版本运算后出现错误 more than 10 units parallel are nessary. Check the specified process conditions, allowable pressusre drop, and physical prppeties. 找了半天,没发现错误的原因~ 查看更多0个回答 . 4人已关注
费用谁出?急? The LICENSED END-USER shall provide the LI**’s personnel with convenience in lodgment, medical care, transportation and communications and the cost will be born by the LI**'s personnel themselves, except for lodgement and local transportation to and from the living facilities to the plant site which costs shall be born by LICENSED END-USER. All terms and conditions will be as per the CONTRACT. except 后的应该怎么理解? 从住处至装置现场的本地交通及住宿的费用由最终用户承担。所有条款和条件均按照合同。 LODGEMENT具体指什么费用?住宿费吗? [ ]查看更多11个回答 . 1人已关注