麻烦帮忙看下吸附脱附等温线图及相应的孔径分布曲线?BJH算出孔径分布,投稿提出问题 “A few steps are present in the BJH curves, which is quite unusual. What is the origin of these steps?” 我也不明白是什么意思,以及相应的吸附类型不知道怎么判断,求帮助BET修改.jpg查看更多6个回答 . 30人已关注
请教 PROII一做了个粗苯多级蒸发的模拟?请教各位大侠:我最近用PROII一做了个粗苯多级蒸发的模拟,提示如下:*** error ***??Unit 1, 't101' - a product water decant stream is required but missing on tray 1. Please verify that the selected thermodynamics support vlle or vlwe.*** error ***??Unit 1, 't101' - invalid variables - stream 105 has been varied more than once.** warning **??Unit 2, 'e101b' - solids may exist in this flowsheet. The rigorous heat exchanger presently cannot handle solids and will fail to solve if any solids appear in feed streams of this unit operation.** warning **??Unit 4, 'e101a' - solids may exist in this flowsheet. The rigorous heat exchanger presently cannot handle solids and will fail to solve if any solids appear in feed streams of this unit operation.查看更多4个回答 . 12人已关注