mechanical sieving 怎么翻译? 求教mechanical sieving 怎么译? 原文是 Typical Particle size distribution (wt.%) determined by mechanical sieving >800 m m 600-800 m m 400-600 m m 300-400 m m 200-300 m m 150-200 m m 100-150 m m 80-100 m m 50-80 m m < 50 m m 12% 18% 20% 12% 13% 7% 8% 5% 4,5% 0,5% 这是个产品细度的检测报告,大概意思我明白,但是 mechanical sieving 翻译成机动筛感觉不顺口,不知道有没有更恰当的啊,请指教!谢谢! 查看更多3个回答 . 1人已关注
Varian核磁数据自动上传到服务器? 公司刚装了一台Varian 的核磁,用的是Redhat系统,用perl编了一个脚本每隔2分钟用crontab运行脚本上传数据到FTP服务器上,这样同事很快就能看到图谱。 #!/usr/bin/perl # # # # use Net::FTP; my $workdir = "/your NMR data fold"; #my $marktime1 = 0; my $marktime2 = time(); my $timestamp = "/fold where you script file contained/timestamp"; my $hostname = "FTP server address"; my $username = "FTP user name"; my $passwd = 'FTP user password'; my ($sec, $min, $hour, $day, $mon, $yea) = localtime($marktime2); my @months = qw(Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec); my $mon_day = "$months[$mon]"."$day"; my $year = $yea+1900; my $year_mon = "$year"."$months[$mon]"; #get marktime1 form a file if (open (HF, "<$timestamp")){ $marktime1 = <HF>; close (HF); #get files' list and judge them modified time was between the two setted times, and check #the log file which below the fold contained desire stream. if yes, added to a filegroup. opendir (DH, "$workdir") or die ("can't open work fold."); foreach $myfile (readdir DH){ next if $myfile eq "." or $myfile eq ".."; my $mystat = (stat("$workdir/$myfile"))[9]; if (($mystat >= $marktime1) && ($mystat < $marktime2) && (-d "$workdir/$myfile")){ if (open (HF, "<$workdir/$myfile/log")){ while ($content = <HF>){ if ($content =~/Acquisition complete/){ push (@files,"$myfile"); } } close (HF); } } } closedir (DH); my $lenth = @files; #print "@files\n"; if ($lenth >= 1){ #connect to FTP and make folds, then put files. $ftp = Net::FTP->new("$hostname", Timeout=>30) or die ("Could not connet to ftp server.\n"); $ftp->login("$username", "$passwd") or die ("could not log in.\n"); $ftp->binary; $ftp->cwd("./$year"),$FTP_error = $ftp->message; #print "ftp error FTP_error\n"; if ($FTP_error =~/Failed/){ $ftp->mkdir($year); # print "mkdir $FTP_error\n"; $ftp->cwd("./$year"); } $ftp->cwd("./$year_mon"), $FTP_error = $ftp->message; if ($FTP_error =~/Failed/){ $ftp->mkdir($year_mon); $ftp->cwd("./$year_mon"); } $ftp->cwd("./$mon_day"), $FTP_error = $ftp->message; if ($FTP_error =~/Failed/){ $ftp->mkdir($mon_day); $ftp->cwd("./$mon_day"); } foreach $file_content (@files){ $ftp->mkdir($file_content); $ftp->cwd("./$file_content"); $ftp->put("$workdir/$file_content/fid"); $ftp->put("$workdir/$file_content/log"); $ftp->put("$workdir/$file_content/procpar"); $ftp->put("$workdir/$file_content/sampleinfo"); $ftp->put("$workdir/$file_content/text"); $ftp->cdup(); # find(\&wanted, $dir_content); } $ftp->quit; open (HF, ">$timestamp") or die ("can't open file: $timestamp\n"); print HF ("$marktime2"); close (HF); } } else { open (HF, ">$timestamp") or die ("can't open file: $timestamp\n"); print HF ("$marktime2"); close (HF); } 另外希望Varian公司的服务人员有空多补补的linux知识,至少要知道怎么挂载光驱吧,不能一有小问题就重装系统,还是windows 的思维习惯。查看更多0个回答 . 4人已关注