求助如何通过 IR spectroscopy of CO chemisorption来确定贵金属缺电子物种?请问如何解决以下审稿人问题?The electro-deficient state of Rh species was only determined by XPS characterization. IR spectroscopy of CO chemisorption also should be done to further demonstrate the existence of electro-deficient Rh species.查看更多10个回答 . 4人已关注
求助,主成分得分图和载荷图怎么用SPSS软件做,谢谢!?看了一篇英文文献Probiotic characterization of lactic acid bacteria isolated from fermented foods and beverage of Ladakh中用PCA方法分析了 乳酸菌 菌株的益生特性,想采用这个方法分析一下自己的数据。图1是主成分载荷图,图2 是主成分得分图,我想问下怎么用SPSS做这两个图?数据类型大概是这样的:共有10株乳酸菌标号为1-10,每株乳酸菌都测8个指标,分别编号为A-H,想做以8个指标做主成分载荷图,10株菌做主成分得分图。谢谢大家,刚才描述的不太准确,下午又查了一下,求大神帮忙解答~3.jpg1.jpg2.jpg查看更多2个回答 . 14人已关注
乙烯基三乙氧基硅烷差常温水解不完全怎么办?文献合成方法是,First, vinyltriethoxysilane (3.8 g, Alfa Asear) was added into de-ionized water (30 g) under vigorous stirring until the oil-like droplets completely disappeared and a transparent dispersion of vinyl hybrid silica nanoparticles was obtained (12 h).DOI: 10.1038/ncomms10310VTES (3.8 g, Alfa Aesar) was first added to deionized water (30 g) under vigorous stirring until oil-like droplets completely disappeared (12 h) so thata transparent dispersion of VSNPs was obtained. International Edition: DOI: 10.1002/anie.2017052123.8g 乙烯基 三乙氧基硅烷 +30g水,强搅12h,即可以得到分散均匀的溶液。油相消失。可是我搅拌了几天,油相也没有消失。求解!求解!求解!查看更多6个回答 . 10人已关注