Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis 投稿问题?收到了Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis编辑的回信,说是让修改图,图不符合要求,就是想请教一下大家,这期刊的图到底什么要求?编辑给我的意见是....Some figures in this submission are not in agreement with the scientific standards we would like to maintain in this journal. These figures contain experimental points and lines. In the high-quality chemical literature, this usually implies that the lines reflect fits to some sort of theoretical equation. However, this is clearly not the case here, the lines merely connect measured points or follow their trend. If this is the case, do not use both lines and markers simultaneously, markers only are preferred in these cases. On the other hand, if lines actually represent fits to some theoretical equation, this fact must be made clear in the appropriate figure caption.这是编辑给的回信,我没大懂。我所做的图并没有函数关系,只是时间变化与产物转化率的关系,不知道什么意思,也不理解,很着急,所以麻烦大家指点一下,灰常感谢,谢谢!查看更多3个回答 . 16人已关注