电化学储能器件?Electrochemical Technologies for Energy Storage and ConversionElectrochemical Technologies for Energy Storageand ConversionNeelu Chouhan and Ru-Shi Liu1.1IntroductionIn this chapter, authors review the contemporary demand, challenges and futureprospective of energy resources and discuss the relevant socioeconomical andenvironmental issues with their impact on global energy status. A sincere efforthas been made to explore the better energy options of clean and sustainableenergy sources such as hydro, biomass, wind, solar, geothermal, and biofuel as analternative to the conventional energy sources. Electrolysis, photoelectrochemical,and photocatalytic water-splitting techniques were adopted for green and light fuelgeneration. Advancement in electrochemical technology for energy storage andconversion devices such as rechargeable batteries, supercapacitors, and fuel cellsare also briefed.查看更多0个回答 . 11人已关注