Aspen plus 8.0进行亚xiao 酸甲酯物性估算的时候发生警 ...? 各位盖德友们,你们好! 本人用aspen plus 8.0 对亚xiao 酸甲酯物性估算时 发生了警告 以下是警告说明,求知道的大神麻烦指教下!!!谢谢啦啊! properties estimation was completed with warnings the following messages were issued during input translation: * warning in the 'prop-data' paragraph which begins on line 50 first id: usrdef parameter tb data set 1 for component ch3ono has been entered more than once. the last entry will be used. * warning in physical property system the following conventional components were not in a data bank. check data bank names for spelling. cid data bank name ch3ono methylnitri 查看更多