不懂的地方!the breakers and control circuit? All motors should be test run uncoupled,if possible,to establish the breakers and control circuit before running any coupled machinery. 这里的the breakers and control circuit是什么?试车间段的一句话。 Safe mechanical running of plant is checked.这是关于水循环的。查看更多5个回答 . 3人已关注
汽轮机调速器HEAVY FAULT? 1. PEAK 150 REMOTE SPEED SETPOINT: AO PEAK 150远程转速设定值:AO--- AO 是什么意思啊? 2. PEAK 150 RESET: DO PEAK 150重置:DO--- DO 又是什么意思啊? 3. TURBINE SPEED: AI 透平转速: AI ? 4. GOVERNOR HEAVY FAULT DI 调速器HEAVY FAULT DI? 先问到这儿,先谢了!查看更多3个回答 . 3人已关注