DSSC测试光源怎么调?文献上一般 测试 DSSC光源参数都是full sunlight (AM 1.5, 100 mW/cm2)。对AM1.5的描述是AM=1/sinα where α is the angle of incidence of the solar rays at the Earth's surface. 那么要符合(AM 1.5, 100 mW/cm2)的条件是将光源调到100mW/cm2在偏一个角度呢,还是直接直射调到75 mW/cm2,还是直接直射100 mW/cm2,听说有专用的 滤光片 是怎么回事?查看更多3个回答 . 5人已关注
每日翻译1-14汉译英? 他站在海滩上,当浪花冲到脚边时,他把剑举向天空,宣布他以西班牙国王的名义占领这个新发现的海洋。 别忘了隐藏译文啊 参考译文 He stood on the beach, and as teh waves broke about his feet he reaised his sword in teh air and declared that he took possession of the new-found sea in teh name of the king of Spain. 语言点: 这是一个并列句,站、举、宣布三个动词并列。 以谁谁谁的名义:in the name of 占领:take possession of 新发现的:new-found(组合词),或者用newly found 浪花:是浪碎了以后形成的 查看更多0个回答 . 1人已关注