分光光度计比色皿大小与吸光度关系? 一般来说是可行的 但需要注意的是因为比色皿的宽度有所变化 则等含量的铁其吸光度也有所变化 所以在制作曲线及测定样品时应注意铁含量 使其吸光度处于0.2到0.8的范围内以保证数据的准确度查看更多
请教以下句子? 是比较专业的机械设备术语,工艺出身的小伙伴被难住了啊 静等专家达人出现吧 工艺的小伙伴们都惊呆了!o(∩_∩)o哈哈~还望学设备的达人们的帮助! 查看更多
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启离心式多级泵时怎么启 第一次气泵时应该注意什么? ...? 和正常离心泵的启动一样啊查看更多
二氧化氯生产工艺? 二氧化氯见光分解成光气,一般是现制现用,在大学里参与过用高氯酸钾+盐酸制二氧化氯的科研项目查看更多
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谁用过快开盲板? 你这个是常压还是有压的,常压的可以参照人孔的快开结构,有压的就职要通过gb150进行计算了查看更多
化工厂机械设备技术人员的成长(外在职级和内在技术等)? 最近写的一篇文章"告设备技术员书",朋友们参考 近期与几位搞设备技术的同事聊天说起,怎样才能做一名称职的设备技术员,怎样才能尽快提高自己的设备管理技术水平,心中不由得为他们的责任感和上进心而感慨。这个问题可能也是我厂大多设备技术员共有的困惑。我从学习设备到维修设备,再到管理设备也有十多年的时间,现将自己对此问题的认识在这里与大家分享,以求共同进步。 1、要有责任心。作为一名设备技术员,首先要有责任心,要对设备负责,要对装置负责,设备出问题了,装置不可能平稳,装置不平稳,设备肯定要出事。所以装置的事就是设备的事,遇事不要推卸责任。不敢承担责任,没有责任心当不成设备技术员! 2、要懂工艺。这条,对于从维修车间出来的设备技术员比较关键。不懂工艺在车间搞设备管理就好比盲人摸象,设备的管理关键在用,找机会学会工艺流程,对设备的正常运行管理及故障的判断能起很好的作用。尽可能的学会操作设备,但实际操作由操作人员来进行。 3、学会检修。这条对于从生产车间出来的设备技术员一定要牢记。尽可能多的参与各类设备的检修,通过参与检修了解设备结构、原理、性能、检修方法,学会修设备是当好技术员的基础,不会修设备的技术员,只能是一个三流技术员,很难出头的。要学习检修技术,特别是一些关键的技术。 4、摆正位置。不要怕吃苦,不要怕脏怕累,论维修技术你比不过维修人员,论操作设备,你比不过操作人员。不要跟工人比文凭,不能和工人比职称。要虚心向他们学习,和他们打成一片。遇事多问为什么?没人不喜欢好学的人,不会有人讨厌向自己请教的人。 5、记好笔记,作好记录。要养成做记录的习惯,笔、本不离手。检修笔记,特别是关键设备及关键检修过程,是你下一次检修时的重要经验及检修的重要参考依据。现场的问题随时记录,再好的脑子也不如一个笔头子。一些重要的检修,关键的操作,特色的管理,非正常状态等要做好记录。月底,年终作总结的时候不会忙无头绪。 6、要做好小结,总结。要勤于小结,善于总结。总结是对工作的一种概括,既是丰富经验的机会,又是提高文采的手段。总结要靠日常的积累和记录。有的人常是忙忙碌碌一年,总结却一个字也写不出来。其实,好的四个周小结就是一份月报,月报的综合就是一份年总结。 总之,设备技术员要坚持不懈,做好长期的准备,毕竟化工厂是以工艺为主的,但只要你出色,设备一样能出人才.查看更多
加氢装置氢气为什么伴热? 应该是管线细怕出现油冷凝造成测压不准吧查看更多
氨合成工段废锅为什么老出问题? 是用不锈钢做的,但是管板材质不一样,还有没有做得比较好的废锅厂家?查看更多
苯抽提进料被石脑油污染如何处理? 三楼的,要是已经进去了,怎么处理?硫含量超标怎么办?查看更多
煤直接液化的经济效益能不能在近年出现? 和你买股票是一个道理,没有只涨不跌的,或是永远居高。也不会就那么一直去跌。肯定会盈利的。查看更多
2010年职称英语《理工类B级》考点精粹四? 2010 年职称英语《理工类 b 级》考点精粹四 (21-24) sugar power for cell phones using enzymes commonly found in living cells ,a new type of fuel cell produces small amounts of electricity from sugar.if the technology is able to succeed in mass production,you may some day share your sweet drinks with your cell phone. in fuel cells,chemical reactions generate electrical currents.the process usually relies on precious metals,such as platinum.in living cells,enzymes perform a similar job,breaking down sugars to obtain electrons and produce energy. when researchers previously used enzymes in fuel cells,they had trouble keeping them active,says shelley d.minteer of st louis university1.whereas biological cells continually produce fresh enzymes,there’s no mechanism in fuel cells to replace enzymes as they quickly degrade. minteer and tamara klotzbach,also of st louis university,have now developed polymers that wrap around an enzyme and preserve it in a microscopic pocket.“we tailor these pockets to provide the ideal microenvironment” for the enzyme,minteer says.the polymers keep the enzyme active for months instead of days. in the new fuel cell,tiny polymer bags of enzyme are embedded in a membrane that coats one of the electrodes.when glucose from a sugary liquid gets into a pocket,the enzyme oxidizes it,releasing electrons and protons.the electrons cross the membrane and enter a wire through which they travel to the other electrode,where they react with.oxygen in the atmosphere to produce water.the flow of electrons through the wire constitutes an electrical current that can generate power. so far,the new fuel cells don’t produce much power,but the fact that they work at all is exciting,says paul kenis,a chemical engineer at the university of illinois2 at urhana-champaign3.“just getting it to work.” kenis says,“is a major accomplishment.” sugar-eating fuel cells could be an efficient way to make electricity.sugar is easy to find. and the new fuel cells that run on it are biodegradable,so the technology wouldn’t hurt the environment.the scientists are now trying to use different enzymes that will get more power from sugar.they predict that popular products may be using the new technology in as little as 3 years. 词汇: enzyme/5enzaim/n. 酶 electrode/i5lektrejd/n. 电极 platinum/5platinem/n. 铂,白金 membrane/5membrein/n. 膜,薄膜 electron/i5lektrrn/n. 电子 oxidize/5cksi7daiz/v. 氧化 degrade/di5reid/v. 降解 glucose/5lu:keus/n. 葡萄糖 polymer/5pclime/n. 聚合物 biodegradable/7baieudi5reidebl/adj. 能进行生物降解的 microenvironment n. 微环境 embed/im5bed/v. 埋置,插入 proton/5preutcn/n. 质子 试题 1. according to the first paragraph , when can we share our sweet drinks with our cell phones? a when enzymes can be commonly found in living ceils. b when the technology of producing a new type of fuel cell appears. c when the technology of a new type of fuel cell is suitable for mass production. d when the technology of mass producing cell phones appears. 2. what trouble did minteer and klotzhach have in their research? a they had trouble keeping enzymes in fuel cells active. b they had trouble keeping biological cells active. c they had trouble producing fresh enzymes. d they had trouble finding mechanism for producing enzymes. 3. according to paragraph 5 , electrons are released a when bags of enzyme are embedded in the new fuel cell. b when glucose from a sugary liquid goes through the enzyme. c when the enzyme oxidizes the glucose from a sugary liquid that goes through a pocket. d when the enzyme oxidizes the sugary liquid that goes through a pocket. 4. what is exciting about the new fuel cells? a their limitless power generation capacity is amazing. b their limited power generation capacity is a good beginning. c their limited power generation capacity is the result of great efforts. d their limitless power generation capacity is a major accomplishment, 5. according to the last paragraph , what is not true of the new fuel cells? a the new fuel cells run on sugar that is easy to find. b the new fuel cells are environment friendly. c the new fuel cells are biologically degradable, d it will take some time before the new fuel cells can be used in popular products. 标准答案: c,a,c,b,d 查看更多
加氢裂化泄压时为什么要把大副线关闭? 副线在泄压伐不启动时才开副线,泄压时副线开着就不能控制泄压随时停止或重新启动泄压。查看更多
催化再生器稀相温度持续较高? 原先的催化装置都非常讲究稀密相温差,一般密相温度高于稀相温度,但现在很多装置已不注重这点,氧含量稍高一些,有利于烧焦,烟气分析co一般为零,汽提段椎体松动管断裂,一般情况下可能造成待生剂漏到稀相中,发生燃烧造成稀相温度高,当然出现这种情况,稀相温度一般持续的高,我观察一般稀相温度在730度左右。查看更多
proII8.1 安装? win8的,以前装好过,后来出现问题卸载了重装,现在装不上了 换个pro/ii的版本试试 查看更多
储运技术的关键之处? 楼主把储和运合在一起问就不合理,一个是静态一个是动态虽然在工种分配上是一个区段的但其实核心技术是不同的.所以还是分开问的好查看更多
能不能讨论一下甲醇合成发生的副反应和甲醇产品含有的杂 ...? 因[wiki]催化剂[/wiki]的选择性不可能是100%,所以产生副产物是必然的。首先要选性能好的催化剂,其次是根据催化剂的不同阶段制定相应的最优[wiki]化工[/wiki]艺条件,并保持操作稳定,才能减少副产物的产生量。查看更多
气化煤仓架桥如何解决? 我们这里也出现过的,就是让工人拿着大锤去敲击查看更多
职业:北京吉星工程项目管理有限公司 - 实习生-操作员
学校:洛阳大学 - 环境与化学工程学院
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