关于DCS的一段话的翻译? 各位 请帮个忙 Process Control The regulatory control of the process from ordinary single loop feed back control to more complex strategies using multi-loops, cascade, and ratio control techniques, are all implemented in the DCS. 从普通的单回路控制到更多的使用多回路的复杂策略,串级,比值控制技术,工艺调整的控制都在DCS内完成。 这句感觉不怎么通顺 To avoid duplication of field transmitters , whilst still retaining integrity, all ESD analogue input signals will be repeated to the DCS via splitter/isolator modules located in the ESD marshalling racks. 这句图红的不是很理解。 查看更多6个回答 . 3人已关注