aspen dynamics运行显示积分器计算错误? 哪位高手帮忙看看:我将 aspen 稳态文件导入到动态后,初始化顺利通过,但是运行的时候显示如下错误,最后弹出一个提示框:integrator corrector failed……在simulation messages中的信息如下: Step 1: Time = 0.001, step = 0.001 accepted (at min), error/tol = 6.7646 Step 2: Time = 0.002, step = 0.001 accepted (at min), error/tol = 2.3118 Step 3: Time = 0.003, step = 0.001 accepted (at min), error/tol = 1.4171 Step 4: Time = 0.004, step = 0.001 accepted (at min), error/tol = 1.3844 Step 5: Time = 0.005, step = 0.001 accepted (at min), error/tol = 2.1978 Step 6: Time = 0.006, step = 0.001 accepted (at min), error/tol = 4.1074 Step 7: Time = 0.007, step = 0.001 accepted (at min), error/tol = 7.7738 Step 8: Time = 0.008, step = 0.001 accepted (at min), error/tol = 14.675 Step 9: Time = 0.009, step = 0.001 accepted (at min), error/tol = 28.567 pQSpec-W-Duty has been reduced from -9.202 GJ/hr to 0.0000 GJ/hr to keep temperature (-214.0 C) within the range -214.0 C to 1995. C Warning(s) issued by procedure pQSpec in equation BLOCKS("C1").Condenser(1).AM_If9.AM_True.AM_Eqn74.Row(1), return code=2 Step 10: Time = 0.01, step = 0.001 accepted (at min), error/tol = 46.354 Integrating from 0.01 to 0.02 pQSpec-W-Duty has been reduced from -12.32 GJ/hr to 0.0000 GJ/hr to keep temperature (-214.0 C) within the range -214.0 C to 1995. C Warning(s) issued by procedure pQSpec in equation BLOCKS("C1").Condenser(1).AM_If9.AM_True.AM_Eqn74.Row(1), return code=2 SPARSE: Exceeded maximum number of iterations. SPARSE: Return to best point Group 1: Nonlinear solver failed. Torn group 297 failed to solve due to failure of solution of sub-group 1 。 。 。 Integration failed: more than 10 repeated corrector failures Integrator corrector failed Check your model equations and variable bounds Run terminated at 15:44:18 Editing Simulation Current snapshots have been saved to file snpA0000.snp 好像说塔1的 冷凝器 出了问题,但具体看不懂,稳态里面运行的很好呀,实在解决不了,还请大家帮忙看看,感激不尽! 查看更多12个回答 . 5人已关注