反应精馏的模拟? 最近正在做反应精馏的模拟,可是总是出现问题,不知道该怎么改了,求教各位~~ 0 error(s), 196 warning(s), and 0 message(s) detected: ** warning ** -------. ** warning ** ------- user supplied heat of reaction data is not used. ** warning ** ------- by reactive distillation. The heat of reaction. ** warning ** ------- will be calculated based on heats of formation. ** warning ** ------- 'rxnset' = col1rxd1. ** warning ** ------- 'rxn desc' =. ** warning ** -------. ** warning ** -------. ** warning ** ------- user supplied heat of reaction data is not used. ** warning ** ------- by reactive distillation. The heat of reaction. ** warning ** ------- will be calculated based on heats of formation. ** warning ** ------- 'rxnset' = col1rxd1. ** warning ** ------- 'rxn desc' =.查看更多21个回答 . 5人已关注