每天几个专业单词:08? 1. Filling rate/Empty rate 充填率/ 排空率 maximum flow rate while filling / emptying the tank 充填或排空时的最大流速比 2. Thermal inbreathing 热吸入 introduction of air or deck gas in a tank during contraction or condensation of vapours in the tank resulting from atmosphere influence (e.g. decrease in the ambient temperature) 受环境变化影响,储罐内蒸汽发生收缩或冷凝,进而吸入 空气 或者气体以维持储罐内外压力平衡(比如:环境温度骤冷) 3. Thermal outbreathing 热呼出 discharge of air and vapour from a tank by expanding the air and vapour and vaporization of the liquid in the tank resulting from atomspheric infrlences (e.g. increase in the amibient temperature) 受环境变化影响,储罐内液体蒸发或者气化,进而呼出空气或者蒸汽以维持储罐内外压力平衡(比如:环境温度骤热) 4. Set pressure 设定压力 简称 设定压 system pressure at which the valve starts to open under atmospheric conditions 大气条件下,阀门开始打开的压力。 5. Opening pressure 开启压力 简称 开启压 pressure in which the valve achieves the fully opened lift necessary for the volume flow to be discharged. 压力上升到阀完全打开,便于排液时的压力。 来自群组: 盖德泵阀群组 查看更多19个回答 . 5人已关注