看看这些英语的正宗北京版本翻译(5)? 1) How dare you do harm to me? I will bash your head in. 你敢害老子, 我花了你 2) Many famous movie stars look upon acting in commercials as being beneath them (disgraceful). 很多名演员都觉得拍广告片掉价儿. 3) A lot of men immediately change their voice to be overly polite and tender when speaking to those of higher authority. 许多大男人, 一旦有机会同大款说话, 那声音立马变得好温柔. 4) When your father and I got married, even the bedside cupboard in the house was wall-papered, to say nothing of expensive electrical appliance. 我和你爸结婚的时候, 甭说几大件了, 连床头柜也是纸糊的. 5) Enough already, Stop talking nonsense here. Go do whatever you are supposed to be doing. 打住, 打住了您! 别在这儿瞎胡侃了, 该干什么干什么去吧. 6) If you want to do it, do it: if you don't, you just get out of here. Stop being so conceited. It's obnoxious. 想做您就做, 不想做你就走人, 别跟我这儿摆谱.查看更多3个回答 . 2人已关注