“PVC产品工艺技术”文章求助? 这是关于PVC的一篇文章,我只有这个目录。(网上搜的)谁有原文?或者中文版的也行。希望盖德能提供帮助。谢谢! Progress in Polymer Science Volume 27, Issue 10 , December 2002, Pages 2055-2131 Technical progresses for PVC production References and further reading may be available for this article. To view references and further reading you must purchase this article. Y. Saeki and T. Emura Former Shin Dai-Ichi Vinyl Corporation, 1-4-5, Tokyo 105-0003, Japan Received 19 October 2001. Available online 16 October 2002. Abstract This review covers recent development of PVC production technologies of the suspension polymerization process, the bulk (mass) polymerization process and the emulsion polymerization process with some historical background. The development of process for the vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) production is also explained briefly. Since the suspension process is regarded to be the most important process with its 80% share of the world total production, this review follows mainly the technology development of the suspension polymerization process. Because of the importance of hygienic problems caused by VCM, the technology development in the field of emission control is also covered. Author Keywords: PVC; Vinyl chloride monomer; Suspension process; Bulk process; Emulsion process; Emission control Article Outline 1. Introduction 2. Overview of world PVC industries 3. Outline of PVC production technologies 3.1. Outline of development of VCM and PVC technologies 3.2. Processes of PVC production 4. Vinyl chloride monomer manufacturing processes 4.1. History of VCM processes 4.1.1. Acetylene process 4.1.2. Ethylene and acetylene combined process 4.1.3. Mixed gas process from naphtha [18] 4.2. Development of oxy-chlorination process 4.3. Ethane process 5. Suspension polymerization process 5.1. Outline of suspension polymerization process [29] 5.2. Particle formation in the suspension polymerization 5.2.1. Nomenclature of morphology of PVC 5.2.2. Mechanism of particle formation Grain size Protective colloid (suspending agent) Effects of agitation Combined effect of protective colloid and agitation 5.2.3. Example of particle structure 5.3. Reactor scale-up 5.3.1. History of reactor scale-up 5.3.2. Agitation scale-up 5.3.3. Technical problems for large reactor 5.4. Scale prevention technology 5.4.1. Pioneer works 5.4.2. Mechanism of scale formation 5.4.3. Classification of various patents for scale prevention Material of reactor surface Scale prevention by polymerization additives Scale suppression by surface coating 5.4.4. Recent development of scale prevention technology 5.4.5. Reactor cleaning technology 5.4.6. Long term closed operation 5.5. Improvement of heat removal technology 5.5.1. Effect of the reactor size on heat removal 5.5.2. Development of heat removal technology Increase of heat transfer area Adoption of coolant Reflux condenser Cooling by slurry heat exchanger Development of inner jacket reactor 5.6. Improvement of productivity 5.6.1. Production line system and production cost 5.6.2. Productivity index 5.6.3. Reduction of cycle time 5.6.4. High speed polymerization and quality improvement 5.6.5. Minimization of production cost of suspension PVC 5.7. Computer control 5.7.1. The first attempt of computer control by Huls 5.7.2. Computer control for large reactor PVC plant 5.7.3. Distributed control system (DCS) 5.7.4. Safety aspects 6. Bulk polymerization process 6.1. Outline of bulk polymerization process 6.1.1. Description of the bulk polymerization process 6.2. Development of bulk polymerization process of vinyl chloride 6.2.1. Single stage process 6.2.2. Two stage process with horizontal reactor 6.3. Two-stage process with vertical second stage reactor 6.3.1. History 6.3.2. Description of the process 6.3.3. Role of the first stage polymerization 6.3.4. Role of the second stage polymerization 6.4. Economics of bulk process 6.5. Product quality of bulk process 6.6. World capacity of bulk process 7. PVC paste resin manufacturing process 7.1. PVC for paste application 7.2. Paste resin manufacturing process 7.2.1. Outline of process 7.2.2. Particle structure and production conditions 7.2.3. Micro-suspension polymerization 7.2.4. Emulsion polymerization 7.2.5. Drying of latex 7.2.6. Bulk handling paste resin 7.3. Relationship between characteristics of paste resin and properties of plastisol and final product 8. VCM emission control of PVC plant 8.1. Vinyl chloride toxicity 8.2. Occupational regulations 8.3. Reduction of VCM emission form PVC plant 8.3.1. Removal of residual VCM Diffusion coefficient Slurry stripping technology for suspension process Stripping of latex for emulsion process VCM removal from bulk PVC 8.3.2. Other technology for reduction of VCM emission Inert gas treatment Closed operation Effluent water treatment 9. Concluding remarks Acknowledgements References 查看更多0个回答 . 5人已关注