加氢裂化热高分气与原料油换热器铵盐结晶问题? 装置热高分气与 原料油 换热器 管程铵盐结晶严重,高分气入口温度230左右,现在只能采取连续注水的方式,只要一中断,换热器就会堵塞。连续注水对高换都有哪些危害?在装置不停工的情况下,还有没有其他解决的办法?大虾们说说各自装置的情况,除了注水还有什么其他的解决方式。 查看更多 5个回答 . 3人已关注
关于PVC装置中阀门内漏的问题? 我公司有一个PVC行业的客户,近期装置里的走PVC浆料的阀门发生内漏,拆开内漏的阀门检查,主要是 衬里球阀 入口的PTFE衬套阀座发生变形,请教各位朋友产生这种现象的主要原因,是否因为冲刷还是高温下的蠕变? 是否有更好的阀门推荐呢?如衬套 旋塞阀 ? 查看更多 19个回答 . 5人已关注
一直想弄清楚两个倒班方式的优缺点? 一直想弄清楚两个四班三倒倒班方式的优缺点?一个是:先上中班16:40点到22:40点,然后第2天上白班是8:40至16:40,休息一个中班然后上夜班22:40至8:40,然后休息一天后接着上中班。另一种上班方式是:先2个白班8点到下午4点,然后2个中班4点到12点,最后上2个夜班12点到8点,然后休息两天接着上白班,能说下这2种倒班方式的优缺点在那?查看更多 10个回答 . 1人已关注
次氯酸钠溶液用什么材质的管子? 最好是钛材,耐腐蚀,且不会促使其分解 另外,推荐你把此贴发到腐蚀板块,那边最近有“防腐能手”的活动,参加有大奖查看更多 14个回答 . 3人已关注
纤维束过滤器中的自动阀是怎么回事? 最近遇到 纤维束过滤器 设备中的零部件(包括活动板、固定板、自助阀等)不是太清楚,请高手指教。。。不胜感激。。。查看更多 2个回答 . 1人已关注
趣味隐患系列26--人多就是力量大吗? 安全隐患!思想麻痹、意识淡薄查看更多 15个回答 . 2人已关注
不同压力等级的法兰连接问题? 咨询个问题,项目上遇到个问题。管线上的法兰是900lb的,设备上的是1500lb的。在连接的时候 能直接连吗?管线上的法兰是不是需要改成1500lb的? 设备上的法兰如果直接接阀门的话,阀门是不是也要采用1500lb的啊? 查看更多 11个回答 . 3人已关注
请问变频控制柜的欠载保护原理? 请问变频 控制柜 的欠载保护原理?查看更多 2个回答 . 4人已关注
联合制碱浓气碳化和变换气碳化的优缺点? 变换气制碱技术优势 变换气制碱技术优势可用“三低一高”概括,即技改(基建)费用低、能耗低、产品成本低、CO2利用率高。 因变换气制碱工艺中没有单独脱碳工序,也没有制碱系统的CO2压缩工序(只有为回收 煅烧炉 气而设立的抽气压缩部分,只占原浓气制碱的1/4),所以技改(基建)投资低;能源消耗低;产品成本低主要是消耗和折旧,消耗中主要是电耗明显下降,折旧主要是因变换气制碱工艺中没有单独的脱碳工序和制碱系统的CO2压缩工序,投资省,摊入车间经费低;CO2利用率高是因加压(1.2MPa-1.6MPa)吸收和 合成氨 生产工艺对净化气中CO2含量的严格要求所决定的。CO2利用率高当然包括煅烧炉报的回收制碱或送 小苏打 生产等所用。查看更多 13个回答 . 2人已关注
有没有知识产权维护的东东啊?制度什么的? 各位大侠 有没有知识产权维护的东东啊?制度什么的?查看更多 0个回答 . 4人已关注
国内化工技术和产品的发展模式? 从多数产品看,国内的化工产品是什么“火”了,什么就离“臭”不远了,是不是这样? 好像国内一旦掌握了技术,就要坏事!没有几个产品能够像国外大公司那样能够控制住的!请专家进来讨论!查看更多 8个回答 . 1人已关注
针对异氰酸酯与水汽结块,使用中该怎么办? 用 齿轮泵 打料,轴封处难免密封不太好(是 填料密封 ),打完料没有清洗泵头,隔段时间再用,泵根本盘不动车,估计轴封处被粘死了。针对这种情况,使用中该怎么办?用 机械密封 的齿轮泵?每次打完料用溶剂清洗泵头?用什么溶剂好呢?请有经验的盖德来说说。 查看更多 0个回答 . 3人已关注
新型测井打印机设备(英)? 简介:Neuralog 公司最近发布其NeuraLaserColor产品,一种新型符合Windows标准的打印设备,它用于测井中。 NeuraLaserColor, a Windows-standard device to print from any log-capable Windows application, has been released by Neuralog Inc. The company developed this color log printing solution in cooperation with Lexmark, a printing solution provider to businesses and consumers in more than 150 countries. NeuraLaserColor uses the latest in technology with Lexmark’s fifth-generation print engine enabling continuous log printing at speeds of 7 in./second in color and 8.7 in./second in black and white. Neuralog’s Continuous Form Attachment controls start-up, flow, and cut of the well log paper, making this an ergonomically friendly and trouble-free solution. In addition, NeuraLaserColor comes with 12 months onsite warranty in the continental US and in selected overseas locations. “Log data and their analyses are essential to the industry’s understanding of the rock and fluid properties of oil- and gas-bearing reservoirs,” Javan Meinwald, Neuralog’s vice president of business development, said. “Modern displays of log and analytical data are in color and have high levels of detail to make them more easily understandable while providing the maximum amount of information.” NeuraLaserColor connects to your local area network through standard Internet protocols. The 32-bit and 64-bit drivers support all the latest Windows-based PCs. Printer status can be monitored from an easy-to-use operator panel or from a Web interface for workflow efficiency. As a network printer NeuraLaserColor can be accessed and shared throughout your office to be a one-stop printing solution. http://www.neuralog.com/ Expro unveils new memory camera Expro unveiled its latest SL2K memory camera at the 2009 SPE/ICoTA Coiled Tubing and Well Intervention Conference and Exhibition held in The Woodlands, Texas. The SL2K memory camera is a highly portable and mobile downhole memory camera system that enables operators to view conditions in wells without the expense of an electric-line logging unit. The 111⁄16- in. outside diameter battery-powered memory camera can be deployed on slickline or coiled tubing and is used to survey wells with H2S or CO2. The tool is rated to 225°F (107°C) and 10,000 psi rating, although the temperature limit increases to as high as 250°F (121°C) in low pressure conditions. The SL2K memory camera has been deployed on 15 projects in the Gulf of Mexico and the North Slope of Alaska. “The improved features of the Expro SL2K memory camera facilitate fewer trips into the well for our customers, offering operators a more cost-effective and efficient way to identify downhole problems,” said Jeff Whittaker, Expro technical champion, downhole camera services. “Eliminating unnecessary trips into the well is very important for coiled tubing operations, where one single trip could cost from $5,000 to $20,000, depending on well conditions.” The new model has an improved memory over the previous one, with an elevenfold increase in the number of captured images. It can capture up to 2,200 video images and program up to three time intervals at capture rates of 1, 2, or 5 frames per second, which is an equivalent of a 36-minute e-line survey or a 5-minute motion video. Another added feature of the new camera is that, unlike its predecessor, depth is recorded at the surface during the survey and integrated on to the video images post-survey. This information is beneficial because identifying the problem does not provide the full story. An operator also must know where the problem is relative to the completion detail to properly address it. The added depth information is essential when multiple problem areas are identified in the survey. Depth, temperature, and annotations made during the survey are integrated on the video images post-survey. The survey is then recorded on to a CD that includes ProView, Expro’s playback and review software. The SL2K memory camera enables operators to obtain downhole images on slickline when the cost or logistics of mobilizing an electric- line unit or fiber-optic unit are prohibitive. The ability to increase or decrease the capture rate allows operators to modify the logging survey to better suit their needs for diagnosing stationary objects or inspecting dynamic motion such as fluid entries or safety valve actuations. http://www.exprogroup.com/ 查看更多 0个回答 . 1人已关注
气体分离的前景及厂家? 貌似现在气体分离行业发展经历金融危机后,又开始火起来了,尤其是四川的做 变压吸附 的许多公司,每个公司都接了很多项目,不知道是浮云,还是经济发展的实际需要! 讨论一下,四川有哪些公司在做变压吸附及气体分离技术?哪个发展的较好?这个行业发展(气体分离变压吸附)前景究竟怎么样呢?是不是哪天接不到项目,我们这些做气体分离的就只有失业了? 查看更多 1个回答 . 4人已关注
转化最小负荷是依据什么定出来的? 天然气制 甲醇 装置,转化工段,通常系统后工段有问题时,需减负荷操作,只需保证最小负荷,水碳比3.5,这样需多少天然气量?平时工艺天然气用量为12000NM3/H 问题的核心是最小负荷可以在保证系统正常的前提下,节省天然气放空量,请问这个最小负荷是怎么得出的,是参考那些东西的查看更多 6个回答 . 5人已关注
用阀门减压需要哪注意事项? 石油生产中,尤其是天然气生产处理中,往往需要减压处理,但对于高压,例如25MPa左右的压力降到10MPa左右,需要选择什么样的阀门才能保证安全可靠?查看更多 0个回答 . 1人已关注
磁力泵隔离套破裂粉碎是什么原因? 我公司一台丹东克隆磁力泵刚启动运转几分钟后泵体出现火星随后泵体出现泄漏紧急停车,拆解发现隔离套完全粉碎,内外磁缸磨损报废。 起初以为泵体存在颗粒或 杂质 导致隔离套磨损破碎,介质很干净,但拆解检查几个 石墨 轴承毫发无损,起泵前操作人员手动盘车也无异常,就唯独隔离套灰飞烟灭,这究竟什么原因,伤透脑筋,请高人分析,谢谢。。。 查看更多 16个回答 . 3人已关注
调节阀阀位问题? 对于配有西门子 定位器 的 气动薄膜调节阀 来说,如果现场阀位与控制室输出不一致应该怎么处理?查看更多 9个回答 . 1人已关注
如何给加氢反应器硫化? 各位如何给硫回收 加氢反应器 触媒硫化!!!!硫化时候该注意些什么?查看更多 2个回答 . 2人已关注
什么配料系统复合肥养分较准确? 一般投料的总含量在+0.5%的情况下,人工也是较准确的,常用Excel自己编写软件计算;电脑配料也是走程序的,原材料更换时也及时更改配料系统的参数(水分、比重最重要)。经验之谈,望盖德扶正。查看更多 1个回答 . 4人已关注
职业:合肥茂腾环保科技有限公司 - 实验室主任
学校:泰山学院 - 化学系
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