强氧化剂? 双氧水的化学性质活泼,是一种 强 氧化剂 , 使用后 它本身变成水,具有 可贵的无二次污染的特点 ,被称为绿色化学品。 (C---E) H2O2 is a kind of active chemicals with strong oxidization capabilities . It becomes water after being used which enables it a precious characteristics of no secondary pollution and therefore is called green chemicals. 请多多指正! 查看更多4个回答 . 3人已关注
NMHC是什么意思? Its very difficult to dispose the exhaust gas discharged by tyre manufacturers , which contains carbon black NMHC , H2S and odor organic gaseous pollutants查看更多3个回答 . 4人已关注