管道应力分析师面试题2,求大侠解答,大家一起学习!? the following list will provide few interviewquestions asked in different interview for a piping stress engineer post. hopeyou will be able to find the answers from asme b 31.3 and any piping stresstext books or from piping hand book. in case you could not find out a specificanswer reply in comments section. this is one part of the collection. keep checking thewebsite regularly for other parts. 21) write equation for se in terms of sb andst from asme b 31.3? se=((abs(sa)+sb)^2+(2st)^2)^0.5 22) what are the major difference between wrc107 and wrc 297? wrc107是按照实心筒体进行考虑,不考虑接管的强度,wrc297是按照空心进行考虑,可以考虑接管的强度。 23) how anchor load for a rack is calculatedat the initial phases of project? what are the normal guidelines assumed? 在初步设计阶段如果不存在上级条件,固定点的推力可以按照管道重量乘以摩擦系数的出的值适当放大进行估算。 24) draw a typical control station layout andshow its supporting? 控制阀的支架设置一边设置成anchor另一侧设置成导向。 25) how pump piping is routed and supported? 泵的配管比较典型不细说了,找个资料看看 26) how you will decide the position of anchorbay in rack piping? 管廊上的管道固定点尽量集中居中布置,让热位移向两边释放且可以互相抵消膨胀力。按照要求控制的热位移量进行多个固定点布置。 27) which side (suction or discharge) incase of pump piping system is more critical from stress point of view? justify the answer? 我认为泵的出口更加严格苛刻,尤其是高压泵。因为泵的出口管系压力较高,会出现振动的问题,因此出口管系的支架设置需要更加注意。 28) what are the main factors that decidessupport span? 1 强度2刚度挠度3固有频率 29) what does api610 explains about aloowablenozzle loads for a centrifugal pump? api610给定应该是个经验值,具体没有研究。 30) can you show the typical layout andsupporting for psv lines? 图就不画了,psv要考虑泄压时候偶然荷载的控制和高温情况下热位移。以及这两者之前的矛盾。 31) what is the effect of friction in pipingstress analysis? 摩擦力在应力分析中尤其是苛刻条件敏感设备附近是不可或缺的设计条件,具体设计中他的表现有时候对于结果有利有时候不利 32) how layout of a pump piping changes withchanges in temperature? 温度较高或者较低时,泵管系的配管会变得更加富有柔性。 33) why the allowable for primary stress isdifferent from that of secondary stress? 一次应力的特点是不具有自限性,相对比较危险。所以控制的更加严格些。二次应力具有自限性而且属于疲劳破坏的过程。 34) is the stress due to seismic anchormovement an occasional stress ? explain with proper reason? 地震引起的应力属于偶然应力。偶然荷载的特点就是荷载和时间没有持久函数关系 35) what is meant by the sentence ”primarystress is not self relieving but secondary stress is”? explain in detail themeaning of the term “ self relieving”. 一次应力不具有自限性荷载不会自我释放或者减小,只能等价的荷载使其是达到平衡或者破坏。二次应力则会随着位移或时间的变化,荷载逐步变小甚至消失。 36) will sif increase or decrease withincrease in pressure, other parameters kept constant? justify your answer. sif和压力没有直接的关系。其计算公式中没有压力的控制。 37) what is the role of y factor in thepressure thickness eqn. of b31.3 and b31.1? y是热影响系数 38) is the pressure thickness eqn. for bendssame as that of straight pipe in b31.3? 直管t=pd/2(sew+py) 弯头t=pd/2(swe/i+py).壁厚计算公式不一样 39) how b31.3 defines the terms weldolet,sweepolet? 这个不清楚 40) between a short and a long radius bend,which one has higher flexibility and why? 短半径弯头柔性大,公式计算。 查看更多