法兰密封面进行彻底抛光后是否可以使用?ASME 有哪些要 ...? 看采用什么密封材料,对于非金属平垫、缠绕垫片,密封面全抛光是不行的,对于软金属密封则需要全抛光。 asme b16.5标准规定密封面需要加工出密封圈线,每英寸45-55道: other flange facings. either a serrated concentric or serrated spiral finish having a resultant surface finish from 3.2 to 6.3 m (125 to 250 in.) average roughness shall be furnished. the cutting tool employed should have an approximate 1.5 mm (0.06 in.) or larger radius, and there should be from 1.8 grooves/mm through 2.2 grooves/mm (45 grooves/in. through 55 grooves/in.).查看更多