放空管防雷? 看什么管道,什么气体了,如果氢气的话,规范直接要求突出屋面的包括放空管,都要求在直击雷接闪器保护以 ... 放空管本身作接闪器就已经保护到了管口。查看更多
液氨卸车静电接地时静置在卸车前还是在卸车后的问题? 一般卸车前静置30分钟后开始卸车,卸车后,静置10分钟方可拆除静电接地线。 请问,卸车前静置需要连接静电释放装置吗?有依据吗?查看更多
2010年职称英语《理工类B级》考点精粹四? 2010年职称英语《理工类b级》考点精粹四(9-12) 三、案例分析题(阅读判断(每题1分,共7分);补全短文(每题2分,共10分);阅读理解(每题3分,共45分);完形填空(每题1分,共15分)) tv game shows one of the most fascinating things about television is the size of the audience. a novel can be on the "best seller" lists with a sale of fewer than 100,000 copies, but a popular tv show might have 70 million tv viewers. tv can make anything or anyone well-known overnight. this is the principle behind "quiz" or "game" shows, which put ordinary people on tv to play a game for prizes and money. a quiz show can make anyone a star, and it can give away thousands of dollars in the u.s. and almost everyone watched them. charles van doren, an english instructor, became rich and famous after winning money on several shows. he even had a career as a television personality. but one of the losers proved that charles van doren was cheating. it turned out that the show's producers who were pulling the strings, gave the answers to the most popular contestants beforehand. why? because if the audience didn't like the person who won the game, they turned the show off. the result of this cheating was a huge scandal. based on his story, a movie under the title "quiz show" is on 40 years later. charles van doren is no longer involved with tv. but game shows are still here, though they aren't taken as seriously. in fact, some of them try to be as ridiculous as possible. there are shows that send strangers on vacation trips together, or that try to cause newly-married couples to fight on tv, or that punish losers by humiliation them. the entertainment now is to see what people will do just to be on tv. people still win money, but the real prize is to be in front of an audience of millions. 1. tv can make a beggar world-famous overnight. a. right b. wrong c. not mentioned 2. the principle behind "quiz" and "game" shows is to put ordinary people on tv to play a game for prizes and money. a. right b. wrong c. not mentioned 3. prizes and money are usually provided by tv stars and large companies for winners. a. right b. wrong c. not mentioned 4. one of the tv personalities, charles van doren was proved to be cheating by persuading the show's producers to give him the answers beforehand. a. right b. wrong c. not mentioned 5. the huge scandal of cheating in tv game shows was not exposed until 40 years later in the movie "quiz show". a. right b. wrong c. not mentioned 标准答案: a,b,c,b,b 6. nowadays game shows are not treated as seriously as they used to be. a. right b. wrong c. not mentioned 7. winners of present-day tv game shows no longer get money from the shows. a. right b. wrong c. not mentioned 标准答案: a,b查看更多
图中PT柜中符号什么意思,就是接地上面的那个符号? 啊哈,这位朋友不好意思搞错啦!左边的电压互感器与接地之间的元器件为一次消谐器,通常安装用于消除系统谐振过电压。查看更多
如何安装EDR? 直接修复安装就可以了查看更多
氯气透平机的一二级氯气换热器使用寿命多长? 不知,运行5年的楼主厂家在谁家进行涂层的?谢谢赐教!我们也想涂层,给个联系方式吧!查看更多
离心泵的作用和原理是什么? https:///forum.php?m ... 4%b1%c3%d4%ad%c0%ed 网页左上角有一个搜索功能。一般基础原理的问题都可以得到满意的答案 查看更多
aspen7.1安装请教? 已经发到你的邮箱( fengye191 )了,自己查收查看更多
HG20592~20635-2009插件 2013.4.15更新下载地址? 开始提供下载了,具体可见qq群,101732768查看更多
锅炉炉膛砌筑的湿砌和干砌? 耐火砖干砌就是砖与砖之间不用耐火泥,最后的时候用点耐火泥来调间隙;湿砌就是砖与砖之间结合面使用了耐火泥,不过这种砌法很少了。速度慢稳固性也不好。 浇筑就是不用砖直接用钢纤维骨料的耐火混凝土浇筑(和混凝土是一个原理,不过使用的不是水泥而是耐火泥,骨料是钢纤维和耐火石头)。 砌筑方便,浇筑要做模板,还要搅拌振捣,麻烦些。 使用寿命一样,关键是你选的耐火浇注料的型号。查看更多
学化工的有必要学CAD的三维吗? 没有必要学cad的三维,化工一般用的三维软件无非就是pds/pdms/autoplant,目前就这些算是比较流行的!autoplant已经渐渐走下坡路,被bently公司收购了,查看更多
电子级氢氟酸? 化学试剂级氢氟酸(gb/t 620-2011 )可否算电子级? 试剂级就是试剂级吧,虽然电子级的概念比较广,但是最低也是el级即100ppb级别查看更多
请问考了注册化工工程师有什么用呢? 目前注册化工工程师还没有要求注册,但以后的趋势肯定是要求注册的,而且出图也会要求注册资质的, 所以趁着还没实行赶紧把它过了。不然以后就更难过了。考试的同仁都有体验,现在注册化工工程师比 以前难考多了。查看更多
看看横河CS3000系统,兼谈日本民族? 说良心话,小日本的东西质量还是很可以的。查看更多
这个怎么翻译啊? 将sdm 接枝自组装形成纳米粒子。对 hcs 采用傅立叶红外光谱、核磁共振和元素分析方法 sdm is grafted and ... 3楼很专业啊关键词: 接枝; graft, grafting 纳米粒子: nano-particle 傅里叶红外光谱:fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (ftir) 核磁共振: nuclear magnetic resonance (nmr) 元素分析:elemental analysis ps. 新同学发言前可以多看看本版区的操作指南,提问后请及时对讨论者进行反馈,您的反馈是朋友们积极参与讨论的动力源泉 查看更多
聚乙烯纤维的工艺流程是怎样的? 大家有在化纤厂工作的没,有什么重要的机械动设备,那些容易出问题,有压缩机吗?该设备多吗? 楼主所问的内容,文不对题! 是了解工艺流程,还是设备 工艺:前纺 配料 过滤 纺丝 后纺 萃取 干燥 牵伸 设备: 反应釜、螺杆挤出机、过滤 纺丝、萃取、干燥、牵伸 ...... 顺便补充一点,楼上的回答是什么查看更多
动火作业是不是只有化工企业要办理动火作业证? 一般正规企业都需要动火作业票的,只是严格的程度不同查看更多
熟石灰在污泥调理中的作用? 石灰在污泥调理中的主要作用是在ph 12的条件下,提供了大量的ca(oh)2:絮体物,而ca(oh)2能够使污泥颗粒产生凝聚作用。 加药调理法。原理是用化学药品破坏泥水间的亲和力,在污泥中加入混凝剂、助凝剂等化学药剂,使污泥颗粒絮蓬,比阻(或cst)降低,改善脱水性能。污泥化学调理常用的混凝剂有无机混凝剂和有机高分子混凝剂。助凝剂一般不起混凝作用,其作用是调节污泥的ph值、供给污泥以多孔状格网骨架、改变污泥颗粒结构、提高混凝剂的混凝效果,增强絮体强度。查看更多
征集冶金设备图片资料? 炉墙耐火砖图查看更多
导波雷达液位计 怎么干扰这么大? 决不是电磁干扰,每一款进口导波雷达都会做至少5种电磁干扰试验(国产的我不知道),电机的干扰实在是太小了,而且频率也和导波雷达差得太大。 这个问题是和搅拌相关的。 一方面液面会打破水平,形成波浪装或者锥形,如果搅拌器桨叶不露出液面,那么加大导波雷达的damping时间就可以抑制跳变。 另一方面,如果搅拌器桨叶露出液面,会产生大反射,这时重新作mapping就可以记住这个大反射的位置,过滤掉就可以了。 查看更多
职业:江西贝美药业有限公司 - DMC、PC操作工
学校:湖南城市学院 - 化学与环境工程系
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