供货单上的疑问CASE\CARTE\SKID? case: 包装箱,一般是指封闭的箱子。 材质有木质,朔料,金属,或者纸板。 crate: 板条箱,一般指用木板条钉起来的四周不封闭或者封闭的箱子。也有其他材料制成的crate。 a crate is a large shipping container, often made of wood, often used to transport large, heavy or awkward items. a crate has a self-supporting structure, with or without sheathing. for a container to be a crate, all six of its sides must be put in place to result in the rated strength of the container. steel and aluminum crates are also used. plastic crates are commonly used for shipment of bottles.查看更多