锂电池科学与技术(2005年版)?Lithium-Ion Batteries: Science and Technologies 锂电池家族中的一类电池,正及材料主要为 磷酸铁锂 材料。 锂铁电池工作原理及性能特点 锂铁电池的全名是磷酸铁锂 锂离子电池 ,由于其性能特别适合于动力方面的应用,因而也有人叫它“锂铁动力电池”。本书重点阐述目前锂铁电池发展中的关键问题,全面介绍锂铁电池基本原理,其技术应用及目前研究现状和技术瓶颈。是Yoshio Nishi教授于2005年出版的关于锂铁电池原理技术的英文书! Foreword My Way to Lithium-Ion Batteries Yoshio Nishi I have been engaged in research and development (R&D) on novel materials for electronic appliances for 40 years since I joined Sony Corporation in 1966. I started my scientific career in Sony as a researcher of zinc-air batteries. After 8 years in R&D on electrochemistry, my research field was shifted against my will to electroacoustic materials, specifically diaphragm materials for electroacoustic transducers including loudspeakers, headphones, and microphones. My R&D work also extended to cabinet materials for speaker systems. This about-face was uncomfortable for me at first, but it forced me to devote myself to the investigation of various classes of materials unfamiliar to me, covering pulp and paper, metals (i.e., Ti, Al, Be), ceramics (B4C, TiN, BN, SiC), carbonaceous materials (carbon fibers, intrinsic carbon, artificial diamond), reinforcing fibers for FRP (carbon fibers, aromatic polyamide fibers, glass fibers, SiC fibers, superdrawn polyethylene fibers), organic polymers (polyamides, polyethylene, polypropylene, polymethylpentene, polyimides, polysulfones, polyetherimides, polyethersulfones, PET), boards (plywood, particle board), resin composites (bulk molding compounds, resin concretes, artificial marble), and so on. I also was engaged in development of piezoelectric loudspeakers employing poly(vinylidene difluoride) (PVdF).The remarkably successful output from my R&D activities in those days were organic polymer whiskers and bacterial cellulose. The former was the first organic whisker in the world discovered by M. Iguchi,1 which is composed of polyoxymethylene (POM). Organic whiskers have favorable properties for speaker diaphragms, namely, a high Young’s modulus and low density. Sony made the joint developmental work with Dr. Iguchi on POM whiskers and succeeded in their mass production on a small scale and in their application to speaker diaphragms through the development of composite materials with the whisker and polyethylene.2 Bacterial cellulose is biosynthesized by the help of Acetobacter xylinum cultivated in media containing monosaccharides or disaccharides. We developed headphone diaphragms composed of bacterial cellulose sheets that had a high specific elastic modulus comparable to aluminum and titanium foils with low specific gravity. 3 The Technical Award was given for this work from the Agrochemical Society of Japan.2014-11-8 at 09:07 ]查看更多0个回答 . 15人已关注