zeolite和molecular sieve的区别?如题,二者有什么区别呢?这是文献上的一段,大家看看是什么意思?? (2) In comparison with zeolites, mesostructuredmaterials show much faster formation rates. It takes onlyseveral seconds to minutes for the crystallization as solidprecipitation. The crystallization of zeolites generally requiresseveral days and even months. (3) Mesoporous molecularsieves can be formed in nonaqueous media. In many polarorganic solvents, like alcohols and tetrahydrofuran (THF),mesostructures can be formed through solvent evaporationinduced self-assembly (EISA) or the solvothermal synthesismethod. Water is however, necessary in the preparationof zeolites. Without water, zeolites cannot be fully crystal-lized.查看更多4个回答 . 8人已关注