环烷烃的表征方法?见到过一些文献标题,没全文,不知道有没有用 Conformational analysis of four- to sixmembered cyclanes and heterocyclic analogs? ?By Pihlaja, Kalevi From Kemia - Kemi (1974), 1(8), 492-6.??|Comparative analysis of chemical composition of West Siberia Talinskoe-?field produced and residual oil? ?By Startseva, R. Kh.; Galkin, E. G.; Parfenova, M. A.; Khalitov, G. G.; Fakhretdinov, R. N.; Lyapina, N. K. From Neftekhimiya (2000), 40(4), 256-265.??|??Language: Russian, Database: CAPLUS The distribution of n-?alkanes, isoprenanes, cyclanes, and arenes in the produced and residual oils was detd. by GC-?MS. Quantitative determination of five- and six-?membered cyclanes in the gasoline-?ligroin fractions from different oil wells of the Norio Field? ?By Areshidze, Kh. I.; Benashvili, E. M. From Buletinul Institutului Politehnic din Iasi (1957), 3(No. 3-4), 103-8.??|??Language: Russian查看更多