炼油厂加热炉外护板腐蚀与防护方法?炼油厂 加热炉 外护板腐蚀与防护方法内容提要:该文对炼油系统常减压加热炉外护板的腐蚀情况及腐蚀原因进行了分析。结合加热炉大修,采用防腐涂层对加热炉外护板进行了防腐。通过2年多的使用收到了较好的效果。关键词: 加热炉外护板腐蚀防腐蚀涂层The corroding ofheaters’outside walland its protecting waysWang wei(Oil refiningfactory of Daqing Petroleum companyDaqing Heilongjiang province163711)Abstract:This article analyzes the reasons of the corroding ofheaters’outside wall in A/R pressure plant of refineries.Applying anticorrosivecoat to heaters’outside wall,we have get a good result for two years.Key words: heater; outside wall; corroding;anticorrosive coat 炼油厂常减压加热炉外护板腐蚀与防护方法(改完).pdf2018-12-14 08:38 上传点击文件名下载附件下载积分: 财富 -1 点481.85 KB, 下载次数: 7, 下载积分: 财富 -1 点炼油厂加热炉外护板腐蚀与防护方法查看更多1个回答 . 11人已关注