求助翻译 超临界水氧化? Conclusions Supercritical water oxidation is a total solution for treatment of sewage sludge: • Organic and biological materials are destroyed and completely oxidized • Heavy metals are removed as benign oxides • The gaseous effluent is a small flow rate of clean vapors • Stack gas scrubbing is not necessary • Tubular reactors with suspension flow can be used to treat sewage sludge without clogging • The SCWO process can recover virtually all of the heating value of the waste as hot water or steam • The process is less costly than incineration, even at capacities as low as 10 dry ton per day 哥哥姐姐们 帮我翻译一下吧 这个是最后结论 ,自己翻译的不怎么好 ,哈哈 帮忙翻译一下 谢谢了~~~!查看更多5个回答 . 5人已关注
這一段話,如何翻譯比較好? 如下文,如何翻譯比較好? The available NPSH shown on the data sheet should be less following figure than the calculation NPSH. * Pumps operating at temperature below 35 or above 200 degree C 拜託專家提供意見...... 查看更多6个回答 . 5人已关注
20150906期试题? 结合管理员提倡《关于鼓励开展专业“基础知识”帖的通知》, 在生产大区负责人 yuchenchf支持下, 特针 对生产现场基础知识开展【每日一题】活动。 参与奖励:2财富。答案正确的奖励:5财富。 (单选题) 6S现场管理进行整顿工作时,要将必要的东西分门别类,起目的是: A. 使工作场所一目了然 B. 清除不要的物品 C. 自我检查 答案: A 查看更多38个回答 . 3人已关注