修饰电极检测重金属离子常提到汞膜 啥意思?修饰电极检测 重金属 离子常提到汞膜??我刚接触??不太了解啥意思??求朋友帮助 或者下面一段文献讲了什么??方面加个qq交流也好啊The in situ mercury ?lm electrode (MFE) was prepared by spik-ing the sample with the required concentration of Hg2+at -1.0 V under stirring for 120 s, while the ex situ MFE was prepared froma 100 mg/L Hg2+/0.1 M HCl by electrodepositing for 600 s understirring. Following the preconcentration step, the stirring wasstopped for 10 s and the voltammogram was recorded by applyinga positive-going differential pulse voltammetric potential scan(with a step increment of 5 mV, amplitude of 80 mV, and pulse per-iod of 0.2 s).查看更多7个回答 . 17人已关注