高效换热器厂家? apex制造的板式空气预热器为平板,平板间距为10-40mm,立式布置,压降小在600-1900pa之间,立式布置的平板不宜积灰,即使有积灰,直接用蒸汽吹扫或水冲洗即可。下图是在在天然气转化装置使用2年后,从板式空气预热器一侧看过去的照片。 [ ]查看更多
多晶硅生产? 还需要提供三氯氢硅的压力条件,组分,其实条件只要提全了,吸收热是很好计算的。查看更多
变换增湿器是上进下出,还是下进上出? 变换增湿器一般为上进气下出气,气体流动方向与喷头喷淋方向是一致自上向下的。查看更多
今天听说今年要出9.0版本的软件啦? aspen technology aspenone 8.8 包括: - aspen engineering 8.8 dvd - aspen manufacturing and supply chain 8.8 dvd - aspen process manual and aspen process tools 8.7 dvd aspen suite是大型通用流程模拟系统,源于美国能源部七十年代后期在麻省理工学院(mit)组织的会战,开发新型第三代流程模拟软件。该项目称为“过程工程的先进系统”(advanced system for process engineering,简称aspen),并于1981年底完成。1982年为了将其商品化,成立了aspentech公司,并称之为aspen suite。该软件经过20多年来不断地改进、扩充和提高,已先后推出了十多个版本,成为举世公认的标准大型流程模拟软件,应用案例数以百万计。全球各大化工、石化、炼油等过程工业制造企业及著名的工程公司都是aspen suite的用户。 选择同类最佳的单点产品,我们的是一套整合的aspenone解决办法: 设计优化设施更快 更有 效率地响应市场和业务的变化 实现更高的吞吐量,较低的成本 加快产品介绍和提高质量 规范关键工序,并利用现有的投资 aspen 套件 (aspen suite) 主要应用于一些关键的领域,如﹕研究和开发阶段的数学模拟放大﹑概念设计﹑工艺设计及工程设计﹑工厂开工指导及操作工仿真培训﹑工艺流程改进及优化﹑工厂脱瓶颈及技术改造﹑工作流集成。 aspentech 公司不但在供应链管理软件及服务方面是一个领先供应商(在世界化学工业的供应链软件市场佔22.5%份额),而且还能够把一个公司及其延伸企业的所有方方面面的业务,从电子商务市场直到车间操作室都集成起来,提供端到端的解决方案。 aspen technology aspenone 8.8 | 16.8 gb aspen technology, inc., a leading provider of optimization software for the process industries, announced the general availability of aspenone engineering and aspenone manufacturing and supply chain version 8.8 software. developed for firms in the oil, gas, chemicals, engineering & construction and other process industries, aspenone 8.8 is a powerful software release featuring user-friendly, streamlined workflow innovations that allow users to minimize capital costs, improve plant productivity and boost operational profitability. with this latest release, aspentech delivers the technology enhancements needed to achieve operational excellence, enabling leading global firms to improve margins, increase yields, meet customer demand, gain competitive advantage and implement innovation across the enterprise. included: - aspen engineering 8.8 dvd - aspen manufacturing and supply chain 8.8 dvd - aspen process manual and aspen process tools 8.7 dvd the aspenone v8.8 software benefits include: - capital and energy cost optimization with streamlined workflows. enhancements to activated analysis in aspen hysys® and aspen plus® improve performance and usability. fully integrated cost estimation, energy optimization, and heat exchanger design and rating (edr) technology brings key information to the process simulation environment, allowing faster and more accurate optimal design selection earlier in the conceptual engineering phase. the updated edr user interface provides easier access to advanced features of the edr product suite, aspenone exchange and the direct availability to the htfs research network. - safety improvements via increased relief sizing capabilities. new relief load calculation enhancements for heat exchanger tube rupture, fire emergency and control valve failure expand relief sizing and safety modeling capabilities. time to conduct pressure relief analysis is generally reduced by 50 percent. - lower operating costs due to accurate methanol partitioning modeling . with the addition of the cubic plus association (cpa) fluid property package, v8.8 software more effectively models methanol behavior to accurately predict hydrate formation, improving flow assurance in pipelines and meeting environmental regulations. - optimized throughput and planning with complete suite of reactor models . new naphtha hydrotreater and alkylation models create a complete refinery reactor and assay management suite from within aspen hysys petroleum refining. for the first time, our customers have a brand new, complete suite of refinery reactor models available. the resulting flexibility means all process units can be accurately modeled and optimized, supporting planning for maximum profits. - energy savings with the extension of polymer modeling to solids . polymers can be treated as solids below their melting points in aspen plus, allowing for accurate upstream and downstream modeling of solids production, including dewatering and drying. - fast adaptation of controller strategy to economic objectives . the new smart tune technology in aspen dmc3 enables users to quickly adapt to changing economic scenarios. it lowers the barrier to controller design and maintenance by providing more insight into controller strategy, and allows more users to set up and periodically reconfigure the optimizer more frequently with reduced workflow complexity. - improved plant scheduler efficiency with advanced campaign management and visualization. the new campaign manager in aspen plant scheduler™ enables speedy creation and scheduling of an ideal production sequence or product wheel. proven sequencing algorithms further optimize grade transitions to reduce off-spec production and enhance asset utilization. what's new in 8.8: http:///products/v8-release/ about aspentech aspentech is a leading supplier of software that optimizes process manufacturing – for energy, chemicals, engineering and construction, and other industries that manufacture and produce products from a chemical process. with integrated aspenone solutions, process manufacturers can implement best practices for optimizing their engineering, manufacturing and supply chain operations. as a result, aspentech customers are better able to increase capacity, improve margins, reduce costs and become more energy efficient. name: aspen technology aspenone version: 8.8 3dvd home: http:// interface: english os: windows xp / vista / 7even / 8 / 8.1 size: 16.8 gb 查看更多
TP316L中的TP是什么意思? tp=type, 如astm a213 tp316l,指a213标准材料的316l型的材料查看更多
与大家深入探讨煤制天然气工艺技术? 其实煤制天然气项目的核心还是气化技术,大家可以看看煤制天然气气化技术选择的文献。我记得资料区应当有几篇文献。查看更多
原油稳定模拟问题? 能上传下hsc或者xml么?你这么说谁知道啥原因查看更多
氯碱行业的季节变化能耗降低的方法有哪些? 这的确是个好课题,好好研究。 来点数据,大家一起分析 查看更多
中变炉出口硫化氢含量为什么高于进口? 中窜低变换工艺低变炉出口硫化氢是不是一定就高于低变炉的进口呢? 那不一定,有可能低变炉的出口低于其进口。 查看更多
感觉 电气 专业帖子不多? 的确,电气专业的同志要加强学习。就像我们公司,是一家机电工程公司,专业提供机械、电器、仪表方面的人才服务。我是学习自动化的, 以前在别的企业干时也做过电器和仪表方面的工作,前年来这家公司时,在这两个专业里选择了仪表。主要是觉得电器专业还是像电老虎一样,太牛了。我们公司仪表专业的小伙子都爱学习些。 这里没有贬低电器专业的意思,本来电仪就不分家。大家是一家。查看更多
换热器厚管板胀接? 请说清楚使用温度和压力,胀接肯定是有使用范围的,和工具、实际操作水平都有关系 工作温度110℃,试验压力3.1mpa查看更多
粉煤气化对流量计的要求? 粉煤气化对流量计的要求 1,流量波动较大,影响操作, 2,流量计好堵,好坏 3,氧煤比不好控制阿.......................查看更多
这是哪一类橡胶啊? 有道理,在细细琢磨查看更多
分子筛中毒的情况有哪些? 硫化氢中毒可能会导致分子筛中毒查看更多
余热锅炉的漏点腐蚀? 烟气露点腐蚀是由于燃料中硫元素在燃烧时生成so2,so3,当换热面的外表面温度低于烟气温度时,在换热面上就会形成硫酸雾露珠,导致换热面腐蚀。 这种计算要准确,经验的成分更重要一些。 可能计算方法不一样,结果也相差甚远!查看更多
有没有气分装置APC(先进控制)应用较成功的实例呢? 请问你说的分馏稳定值得是哪套装置上的?催化还是焦化?有哪些控制回路啊?能具体说一下么?查看更多
变送器课件? 谢谢分享,学习一下 查看更多
加氢压缩机排气压力异常? 一级排气阀内漏,或者一级出口水冷器漏了,或者二级入口压力设置太低了。查看更多
请问各位目前石油化工或石油加工领域最引人关注的领域有 ...? 大分子重质化怎样低成本生产成为小分子低碳链的有机化工原料,如像被汽车轻型化的大量应用的炭钢纤维等原料,将是石油化工发展方向!查看更多
介质密度计算软件? 坐等大神解答,,查看更多
职业:上海河图工程股份有限公司 - 给排水工程师
学校:湖南化工职业技术学院 - 自动化
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