EDR模拟的冷凝器问题请教大神!感谢了!? 现模拟一个 冷凝器 ,RUN后的警告为: the required fraction of the surface area for cooling the liquid phase is 8% (this is an approximate calculation that may be conservative especially if the shellside resistance is controlling).However the number of naturally submerged tubes ,calculated using a balanced pressure drop model is 5,which means that only 3% of the surface is submerged by the liquid phase .You can re-run the case with an input value of the Area Fraction Submerged to bring the input and required values of the submerged surface into agreement 。 哪位大神能帮我把该警告的实际含义讲解一些? 万分感谢!! 查看更多11个回答 . 5人已关注