真理越辩越明之:KBR,TRIG 跟 KRW 的关系,来讨论讨论 ...? KBR Kellogg Brown和Root的首字母缩写,abbreviation。 TRIG 是 transport integrated gasification (gasifier)的缩写,国内好像翻译过来叫输运床。 KRW 是 Kellogg的意思,其他两个字母代表哪两个公司,我还没搞明白,W可能是 Westinghouse他们做的 烧结金属 过滤器 。 不过我还是找到了点附件给大家讨论。 Fluidized bed gasifier (KRW) In a fluidized bed reactor, the coal is injected raw (the gasifier can handle pieces of coal between 0.5 and 50 mm of diameter) at the bottom of the vessel, together with steam, air (or pure oxygen), and limestone that will constitute the bed for the reaction. The mixture is moving upward and the of gasification takes place inside the flow. The syngas exits at the top while the ashes and limestone residues exit at the bottom. This technology allow to gasify coal very quickly (1 minute retention time versus 15 to 20 min in the Lurgi technology). But it has a disadvantage: it operates at high temperature (900 degC): at this temperature, the ashes start melting. So this type of gasifier can be used only when the coal has a low mineral content ( categories of coals ). US Department Of Energy Transport gasifier ( KBR ) The Transport gasifier was developed by Kellogg (now part of Kellogg, Brown & Root). It can operate with any kind of coal, either with air or oxygen. The coal is pulverized and circulated a few times in order to optimize the gasification and minimize the production of solid residues. US Department Of Energy 最后给出U-GAS的。 查看更多6个回答 . 5人已关注