帮忙翻译一段话? 2# tekchina excellent work, mighty frog one! you obtained your lawful place of the stars. at the side of the ancient ruler of the zuma. in the future, as for me, you are known as our sibling. i will call you brother,and we control the outer space together! it is joyous news! now we are to the dance! 干的很棒,真是一只强大的青蛙,你成为了这些明星中一员。对我来说,与祖玛的旧统治者相比,将来,你会被当作兄弟,我将称呼你兄弟,我们一起控制外太空,这真是令人高兴的消息,现在我们一起来跳舞。 不对之处请大家指正!查看更多