一个煤岩图判定? 个人认为是瘦煤,含有一定的焦煤 你们厂子买的是瘦煤,为什么含有焦煤,难道煤炭商人脑子出问题了?唯一的可能是,取样或者制样的时候混如焦煤了查看更多
低温合成氨催化剂工业试验成功? 温度是多少啊,与现有催化剂相比,活性怎么样 ? 查看更多
一套很犀利的配管图例? 很方便的犀利图 ,貌似我下载重复了,浪费了啊!求回血!查看更多
仪表引压管堵塞处理方法? 需了解请发邮件 yhkj_zym ,并附带详细技术规格要求,看看能否满足。查看更多
一个容器顶部的照片? 学无止境啊,继续学习查看更多
换热器设置导流筒的问题? 壳侧进口距管板较远时应设置导流筒,但究竟多远才设置,这个涉及到介质死区的问题,应该由工艺专业或是工程专业计算后提出来吧?查看更多
硫磺的一点问题? 是否可能装置是否规模比较小以及配风过大。查看更多
最近做化工设计画的厂区布置图,标注还没加,面积啥的已 ...? 这个停车库感觉放在厂子才周围比较好,放在厂子的中间不是很好看哎,罐区的话是不是离行政楼有点近了,放在 ... 淋浴室,没画额,感觉应该在车间里面吧,离罐区最近的是泡沫站 查看更多
技术讨论:工业循环水处理? 你的技术是不是采用微电解方式查看更多
常减压一般烟气做氧含量吗?排烟温度都多少? 氧含量是炉子的重要参考数据,我们有氧传感器,很好用的。查看更多
催化轻柴油的抽出口和一种返回线的问题? 回复 1# penghaomail 为什么还有个轻柴油返塔呢? 轻柴油返塔是什么意思???查看更多
电机扫镗是怎么回事?电机烧了和扫镗有何区别? 回复 14# 学海无涯1314 准确的原因不好说;你可以先听一下电机的声音是否异常,如果没有异常,说明扫堂的可能性不大。其次检查一下轴承是不是磨损了。如果能看到转子有点晃的话,轴承的磨损应该比较大,,也就很容易扫堂了。还有一点就是检查一下轴承座是否有问题?查看更多
模拟生物柴油的错误不知道怎么回事。求高手解决~? 错误的描述是: - processing input specifications ... * warning in physical property system parameter dgform/element 1 (data set 1) upper bound violated for component oil value = 0.17230e+11, upper bound = 0.50000e+10 * warning in the "stream" paragraph which begins on line 83 stream name: h3po4 component mole flows of substream: "mixed" are normalized to the total mole flow value. * warning in the "stream" paragraph which begins on line 87 stream name: meoh component mole flows of substream: "mixed" are normalized to the total mole flow value. * warning in the "stream" paragraph which begins on line 92 stream name: oil component mole flows of substream: "mixed" are normalized to the total mole flow value. * warning in the "stream" paragraph which begins on line 97 stream name: water component mole flows of substream: "mixed" are normalized to the total mole flow value. flowsheet analysis : block $olver01 (method: wegstein) has been defined to converge streams: 19 computation order for the flowsheet: b5 b7 b4 $olver01 b8 b6 b9 b10 b11 b30 b28 (return $olver01) b14 b15 b20 b21 b22 b31 b23 b24 b26 b27 b29 - calculations begin ... *** severe error in physical property system ideal gas model has missing parameters: cpig/1st element (data set 1) missing for component oil ****property parameter error errors encountered in calculation of ideal gas props for hig please fix the errors, re-initialize, and run again. ! calculations stopped because of missing property parameters - processing input specifications ... * warning in physical property system parameter dgform/element 1 (data set 1) upper bound violated for component oil value = 0.17230e+11, upper bound = 0.50000e+10 * warning in the "stream" paragraph which begins on line 83 stream name: h3po4 component mole flows of substream: "mixed" are normalized to the total mole flow value. * warning in the "stream" paragraph which begins on line 87 stream name: meoh component mole flows of substream: "mixed" are normalized to the total mole flow value. * warning in the "stream" paragraph which begins on line 92 stream name: oil component mole flows of substream: "mixed" are normalized to the total mole flow value. * warning in the "stream" paragraph which begins on line 97 stream name: water component mole flows of substream: "mixed" are normalized to the total mole flow value. flowsheet analysis : block $olver01 (method: wegstein) has been defined to converge streams: 19 computation order for the flowsheet: b5 b7 b4 $olver01 b8 b6 b9 b10 b11 b30 b28 (return $olver01) b14 b15 b20 b21 b22 b31 b23 b24 b26 b27 b29 - calculations begin ... *** severe error in physical property system ideal gas model has missing parameters: cpig/1st element (data set 1) missing for component oil ****property parameter error errors encountered in calculation of ideal gas props for hig please fix the errors, re-initialize, and run again. ! calculations stopped because of missing property parameters 不知道该怎么弄。麻烦高手给予指点~谢谢~查看更多
紧急求助!? 乙二胺和n乙基乙二胺相对挥发度接近1,我先干燥后上精馏塔,没能将两者分开!!查看更多
卧式圆柱罐的部分容积怎么算? 立式的罐可以算出它的容积 如πr的平方乘以h(高度) 但是卧式的怎么算呢 查看更多
汽轮机控制系统中的一次油和二次油? 一次油一般就是控制有油压(泵出口压力,速关油压),二次油事电液转换器出来的的油压一般就是150—450kpa查看更多
泵出口压力表根部漏? 估计是焊接质量问题,刚一开始有气孔或者夹渣,补焊时未深入打磨,老是焊不好,我就遇到一个缝焊必漏的焊工,查看更多
变压器反送电问题? 看你变压器变比了。一般是10/0.4的降压变压器。低压侧输入380v,高压侧大概9.5kv查看更多
ASME设计的容器按GB150制造? 具体的是CS钢印呢 还是U钢印? 设备是国内用的阿 但是图纸是老外的 国内使用肯定需要打CS钢印。 按照ASME 设计制造可以有两种模式:打U钢印、或不打U钢印。至于需不需要U钢印,那要看用户的需要了。 …… 另外,国外的图纸还需按照固容规的要求进行转换。 查看更多
PCS7的AO与隔离珊出问题? ao卡坏了查看更多
职业:中安信科技有限公司 - 给排水工程师
学校:潍坊职业学院 - 化学工程系
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