ESR(电子自旋共振)或EPR表征问题?求助各位大神,小弟我做的石墨烯/铁掺杂TiO2 光催化剂 ,审稿意见回复需要做ESR表征(意见的原文:(1) This article does not use instrument for detection of radical species which is decisive for the degradation process of MB, such as?OH or O2-. Some characterizing techniques, such as ESR measurements are wished to be performed to further support their proposed mechanism;)。看过一些文献后还是对ESR不太明了。请问我的固体催化剂做ESR的话(P25,铁掺杂TiO2,石墨烯/铁掺杂TiO2光催化剂)是不是要加 自由基捕捉剂 (如DMPO等,这个好像很贵的)?? ?光照多长时间较为合适?? ? Magnetic field (G)范围多少合适,除了?OH 和 O2-,正常的话Fe3+会不会也出峰呀???谢谢!查看更多4个回答 . 3人已关注