找一种固定床裂解催化剂? 催化剂 的性能要求: 1、固定床催化剂 2、 分子筛 型式,可以拦住C5以上的组份。 3、耐硫 4、裂解反应温度尽可能低。 5、裂解制 甲烷 ,或者其它小分子也行 Requirement of catalyst include: 1,fixed bed reactor 2,crack large moleculewhich contained more than 5 carbon atom to small molecule , such as methane 3,sulfur tolerance 4, it has a reactiontemperature as low as possible, Maybe 400 degree 5,it looks like a kind of molecular sieve,which can catch hold of lager molecule, such as naphtha 中英均可 QQ: 245934992 谢谢大家,帮忙顶顶,别沉了查看更多4个回答 . 2人已关注