这怎么翻译? a common adsorption/desorption experiment consists in flushing a porous medium with a free-particle solution of low ionic strength to remove colloidal particles that were already adsorbed at higher ionic strength. when adsorption step is performed at ionic strength high enough that no energy barrier exists (fast adsorption), particle adsorption takes place mainly in the primary minimum and only a negligible fraction of adsorbed particles is removed in the desorption step. in that case, when a colloid is attached directly to the surface via the primary minimum, the process of re-entrainment is usually referred to detachment.首先先谢谢那位朋友的指点,我把搞不懂得标出来啦,自己昨天也翻译啦,就是感觉很不对头,请高人指点查看更多