全英环境科学专业英语? part ⅰ perspectives 1evolution of solid waste managemen t 1-1 solid waste —a consequence of life 1-2 waste generation in atechnological society 1-3 the development of solid wastemanagement 1-4 integrated solid wastemanagement 1-5 operation of solid wastemanagement systems 1-6 discussion topics and problems 1-7 references 2 legislative trendsand impacts 2-1major legislation 2-2impact of federal legislation 2-3governmental agencies 2-4enforcing the hierarchy of integrated solid waste management 2-5future trends 2-6discussion topics and problems 2-7references part ⅱ sources, composition, and properties of solid waste 3 sources,types, and composition of municipal solid waste 3-1 sources of solid waste 3-2 types of solid waste 3-3 composition of solid waste 3-4determination of the compositionof msw in the field 3-5 types of materials recovered from msw 3-6 future changes in waste composition 3-7discussion topics and problems 3-8references 4 physical, chemical, andbiological properties of municipal solid waste 4-1 physical properties of msw 4-2 chemical properties of msw 4-3 biological properties of msw 4-4 physical , chemical, andbiological transformations of solid wastes 4-5 discussion topics and problems 4-6 references 5 sources, types, and propertiesof hazardous wastes found in municipal solid waste 5-1 properties and classification of hazardous wastes 5-2 sources, types, and quantity of hazardouswastes found in msw 5-3 significance of hazardous wastes found in msw 5-4 physical, chemical, and biological transformations of hazardous wastesconstituents found in msw 5-5 management of hazardous wastes found in msw 5-6 discussion topics and problems 5-7 references part ⅲ engineering principles 6 solid waste generation and collectionrates 6-1 importanceof waste quantities 6-2 measures and methods used toassess solid waste quantities 6-3 solid waste generation andcollection rates 6-4 factors that affect wastegeneration rates 6-5 quantities of materialsrecovered from msw 6-6 quantities of householdhazardous wastes 6-7 waste characterization anddiversion studies 6-8 discussion topics and problems 6-9 references 7 waste hand l ing and separation, storage, and processing at the source 7-1 handling and separation ofsolid wastes at the source 7-2 waste handling and separationat residential dwellings 7-3 waste handling and separationat commercial and industrial facilities 7-4 storage of solid wastes at thesource 7-5 processing of solid wastes atresidential dwellings 7-6 processing of solid wastes atcommercial and industrial facilities 7-7 discussion topics and problems 7-8 references 8 collection of solid waste 8-1 waste collection 8-2 types of collection systems,equipment, and personnel requirements 8-3 analysis of collection systems 8-4 collection routes 8-5 alternative .techniques foranalysis of collection systems 8-6 discussion topics and problems 8-7 references 9 separation and processing andtransformation of solid waste 9-1 reuse and recyclingopportunities for waste materials 9-2 materials recovered at drop-offand buy-back centers 9-3 options for the separation ofwaste materials 9-4 introduction to the unitoperations use for the separation and processing of waste materials 9-5 facilities for handling,moving, and storing waste materials 9-6 development and implementationof mrfs 9-7 waste transformation throughcombustion 9-8 waste transformation throughaerobic composting 9-9 impact of source reduction andwaste recycling on waste transformation processes 9-10 selection of proper mix of technologies 9-11 discussion topics and problems 9-12 references 10 transfer and transport 10-1 the need for transfer operations 10-2 types of transfer stations 10-3 transport means and problems 10-4 transfer stations design requirements 10-5 location of transfer operations 10-6 discussion topics and problems 10-7 references 11 disposal of solid waste and residual matter 11-1 the landfill method of solid waste disposal 11-2 landfill classification, types, and methods 11-3 landfill sitting considerations 11-4 composition and characteristics, generation, movement, and controlof landfill gases 11-5 composition, formation, movement, and control of leachate inlandfills 11-6 surface water management 11-7 structural and settlement characteristics of landfills 11-8 environmental quality monitoring at landfills 11-9 layout and preliminary design if landfills 11-10 landfill operation 11-11 landfill closure and postclosurecare 11-12 landfill process computations 11-13 discussion topics and problems 11-14 references part ⅳ separation, transformation, and recyclingof waste materials 12 materials separation and processing technologies 12-1 unit operations for the separation and processing of waste materials 12-2 size reduction 12-3 size separation 12-4 density separation 12-5 magnetic and electric field separation 12-6 densification (compaction) 12-7 selection of facilities for materials handling, moving, and storageof waste materials 12-8 movable equipment used for materials handling 12-9 design of materials recovery facilities (mrfs) 12-10 discussion topics and problems 12-11 references 13 thermal conversion technologies 13-1 fundamentals of thermal processing 13-2 combustion systems 13-3 pyrolysis systems 13-4 gasification systems 13-5 environmental control systems 13-6 energy recovery systems 13-7 discussion topics and problems 13-8 references 14 biologicaland chemical conversion technologies 14-1 biological principles 14-2 aerobic composting 14-3 low-solids anaerobic digestion 14-4 high-solids anaerobic digestion 14-5 development of anaerobic digestion and technologiesfor treatment of the organic fraction of msw 14-6 other biological transformation processes 14-7 chemical transformation processes 14-8 energy production from biologicalconversion products 14-9 discussion topics and problems 14-10 references 、、、、、、 该贴已经同步到 晓晴的微博 查看更多